It's Amazing what make up can Do: A Makeover 101 at Watsons Ayala

Monday, November 26

It's Amazing really what make up can do. I was strolling by Ayala to get some cute umbrellas for the rainy season. But see what I found, myself at watsons for their great make up sale... =)

I was really hooking for the lipstick grab since I am out of stock nowadays since I gave birth to my baby boy last August. I just came back from work mid October so what can I say, i was having that "losyang" image right then and there and I just need some makeover. 

A picture taken right before the make over. =) Sooo.... ngarag! hehehe LOL!
Forgive me about the outfit, as I am really probing the losyang look. XD grin.

Repost: Make up Do's And Dont's

(VoistMagazine) Would you shake someone’s hand after just witnessing them dig up their nose? How about touching a door knob after someone sneezed then touched the knob with their germy hand? Or put your chip in the party sauce that a stranger in front of you double dipped into? Of course you wouldn’t, unless you want to end up with a cold or some kind of harmful bacterial infection.
What about sharing makeup: You run out of mascara as you’re getting ready for a party, photo shoot or just a girls’ night at home, would you use your friend’s? Sure why not, it’s harmless… isn’t it?
Absolutely NOT! The truth is, makeup (especially eye makeup like mascara) can harbor harmful bacteria and cause infection if it is not properly stored and used, especially if kept passed its expiration date.

Review: Onyx Tri Lipgloss by AVON

Friday, November 23

Hi my beautiful readers!

I am back to show you my cool lip gloss purchase at AVON. By the way, for those of you who doesn't know it yet, I am a branch franchise dealer here in Mandaue City, Cebu. I came to the branch to pay out for my overdue make up purchases last October, I was afraid they would eventually sue me if I didn't pay them. 

But, yeah I know myself, I can't resist make up!
Everytime I go there, I found myself praying to not go impulse buying or else --  I might get stuck such wild habit. =( I keep asking myself, do I really need this? My oh my, I might as well blog about it right?

Anyways, today I got this Tri lip gloss in Wine Luster. I got really attracted by the color of this lipgloss, the reason of me pulling it out and straight to the counter. Bought it for PHP189. For me this product is perfect for morena skin tones, like mine. =) Below is the image as you can see it's color is similar to that of the grapes. Isn't it?

(click the image above to enlarge)

OOTD # 1: Yellow and Pink

Thursday, November 22


I am posting an OOTD just like other bloggers out there are doing. I feel that I can have more connection to my readers if they can see the author posted once in a while on their blog. So, why not?

I apologize for the poor image quality since I am just using a point and shoot camera.
I am trying my best to provide my readers sensible information and I hope by starting with my first OOTD, I can improve myself more in the process. You will see my transformation here in this very blog of mine =).

So, to start.. my first OOTD post. =)
My simple shirt and jeans look. 

I wore it during a meet up with my friend CY of Ukay Shopeteer. She sells lots of good clothings in facebook. She owns the shop which sells thrifted clothes.

I hope I can post some of her items here.

They're really classy and trendy!

That's it for now. Be posting more soon!


P.S. Please let me know what you think about this idea of mine, and leave your comments below.
Thanks for reading! Much Love ♥♥♥

Watsons Make Up Haul

Hi Lovelies!

How is your day today?
I will be posting about my recent haul at Watsons last last week!
I came to the store to purchase some cute umbrellas, but unfortunately, none came to my sight =( 

I am glad they were on SALE, so I got to view a lot of cool products at a lower price on retail.
Below is the picture of the items I got for myself, and hopefully I can have time to post my reviews.

What do you think? Have you used one of this products? if so, come and tell me and comment below.
I would really love to hear from you.

Till next time,

simprilcity is having a giveaway!

Wednesday, November 21

click the image below to know how to join!

Good Luck!


Leibster Blog Award

Hi Lovelies! How's your day been?
Mine? a bit busy managing time between family life, corporate slave life and my blogging life.
As you can see this post has been long going on my drafts page. =)

Finally, I have the time to post about my being nominated for the Leibster Blog Award!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow bloggers Milna of Pink Mommy, Elizabeth of Shopaholic on a ShoeString and Maria of Super Wander Girl for the nomination. This means a lot to me.

What is the Liebster Blog Award?

The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

 “Liebster” is German for “favorite”. This award is the“favorite blog award” then. The rules for this one state that you answer the 11 questions asked  by the Blogger who gave you this award.

REVIEW: I need you Facial Mask in Pearl Extract

Tuesday, November 20

As promised about my haul at Etude House, I am doing this review on their best selling mask in "Pearl Extract". See my post here.

I am not really a fan of facial masks, I only just simply cleanse my face with water and my favorite facial soap and then wipe some cleanser available commercially and then that's about it.

I was just curious about it, watching it on TV programs, ads and other beauty blogs made me wanna get my hands on this products.

Tag Post: Blog Crushes

Friday, November 16

So, I was bloghopping and I came to this post by Elizabeth. I love how she revealed her blog crushes. I mean admit it we all do, right? That is why I also want to do this on my blog =). 
Excited to know who my blog crushes are?
Elizabeth organized them into categories which what I will be doing too. =) Most of us also think of our blogs us our babies according to her and I totally agree!
blog crushes stages:
  • Just Born (for the blog with under 10 followers)
  • Sitting up (for the blog with under 20 followers)
  • Crawling (for the blog with under 200 followers)
  • Walking (for the blog with under 1000 followers)
  • Running (for the blog with under 2000 followers)

Animal Print Make Up Brushes

Thursday, November 15

Hi ladies!

How is your day today?
Mines going good and well.

I have been into animal prints lately. I just love how it turns everything out into fierceness 
as a woman would try to wear them.

As for my opinion, it brings out that strong character in a woman. From wearing animal printed dress, 
blouse, even animal printed shoes and bags!

It has been a trend this days and has been over the decades human race started to wear fur clothes and the day animals skin was in to protect us from the harsh weather.

As for me, I just love it. I love its design.

One way to show how my addiction to animal prints is this make up brush I saw in a Bodega Store just nearby our place.

A closer look.......... Well, it's not really that expensive for P70.00, why not?

I love the print on it. =)
I love the brushes too......... I've used them and so far they're just good enough.
Even though it's not a branded brush but still it is useful for me. It's an additional to my make up kit! 

How bout you?
What is an addition to your make up kit as of this moment?

Cebu, Philippines

Facial Care Haul: Etude House


I have been really wanting to go to Etude House and see some of their products. Since, it featured KPop Star Dara Park as their brand endorser.

Well, i was surprised. Their vanity stuffs are really tempting!

Cebu City, Philippines

FOOD TRIPS: Rodeo Grill

Saturday, November 10

It was yet another day of celebration right before the long weekend hits, our team took the time off for lunch out at Rodeo Grill, home of great barbeque and sizzlers.

If you're into grilled foods and for a cowboy meal Rodeo Grill is the right place for you. Located along Archbishop Reyes Avenue (between Isuzu and Hotel Elizabeth).

Why Do I Wear Make-Up?

Wednesday, November 7

(source: Google) 

I’ve read this beauty post tag from  Sharna. I loved reading the post and as I was about to answer the question, I kept thinking really why? Well, obviously every girl loves to look pretty and attractive. That is why, for me “make up” is God’s gift to women. (“,) would you agree? It gives us that feeling of confidence about ourselves as we face other people each day especially with working moms like me.  So why not share with you this post and do my tag as well.

1. When did you begin loving make up?

As far as I can remember, my first encounter with make up was when I was still 5 years old.  well, my aunt used to place makeup on my face and dress me up like I was some sort of a doll.. back at school, I was a dancer, and you know the trick to fancy our already pretty faces , are but a dub of powder, lipstick and blush-ons... I just love looking pretty, if I was really. From that time I was a teenager I got myself quite comfortable wearing just lipgloss and a little powder on my face. I started wearing makeup occasionally when I reached college.

2. How do you feel without make-up? 

Most of the time I don’t do make ups especially at home or when I go out strolling at the mall or when I reun for errands. I just put on little powder and lipgloss just so I look presentable and to feel confident with myself.
I do wear makeup to work I dab on a little powder from AVON (ideal luminous pressed powder) in Oriental, a little lipgloss from AVON (simply pretty) in coral sparkles, blush on from AVON (simply pretty) in blooming peach and a little mascara on my eyelashes. Whenever I don’t wear them I feel naked on the face. Most of them are from AVON since I am a loyal user since I am also an AVON Dealer. (Which reminds me I will be posting a review on the products soon here).

3. What do you like about make-up?  

Yes, I agree with Sharna  I also love the fact that make up makes us look good and bring out our facial features when we apply them properly on the face.  And yeah, it also lifts up our moods most of the time and gives us that sense of completeness and confidence about ourselves.

4. Three 'Holy Grail' Products?

These three items are the things I wished I had so I can also see its effect on my face.

Etude BB foundation and concealer
AVON eyeshadow quad in smoky eyes
MAC lipstick in pink

I am also tagging every lady out there like me who also love to look pretty to share their thoughts. I enjoyed doing this tag with Sharna so if you’ll do this on your blog leave a comment so I can check them out as well.

Till Then,

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