HAUL: Drug Store products + AVON Liners

Friday, May 24

Hi! this will be a short post on a haul that I had last week at Three Sixty Pharmacy, as I passed by going home. i recalled that i haven't bought some toiletries to use for the days ahead so i headed on and got myself the items in the above photo. =)

Every girl needs to smell good and of course clean and squeaky. I think the products all together cost me 300 plus pesos all in all, except the two liners i got from AVON which i bought for 200 pesos both. the gel eyeliner is great and worth the money. i'll do a separate review on that. =)

glimmersticks eyeliner in soft black

mega impact gel eyeliner

Camay shower gel. i like using shower gels so much since they are easily absorbed by the skin esp since it is in liquid form.

the facial cleanser that i am using most of the time since i first bought it i got hooked at eversince, i use it as a makeup remover as well.

the toner, my best toner ever. it's so soft on the skin and i love the scent so much. it relaxes my skin after cleansing with eskinol.

the soap that im loving today. the scent is somewhat citrusy i use it for my face.

the hair product that i can't live without. i use these to relax the tresses of my curls. sets my hair in place without the heavy feel.

for the damaged curly hair as a result from coloring. 

my lotion as of the moment, i love the scent and the soft feeling it leaves after application.

my facial cleanser. i love this one as well. not so soapy but very smooth on the face. leaves my skin feeling soft and clean.

that's about it for me now.
till my next hauls! 

have a great day and thanks for reading!
please leave your comments! ♥

follow me on twitter: @iamracinz


LOTD (Lipstick of the Day): Ever Bilena Matte Lipstick in Love That Red

Thursday, May 23

I have been using Ever Bilena Lipsticks for a month now. The matte lipsticks have really got me hooked since the day I heard the matte lipstick line.
Ever since I got into the world of beauty blogging, I wanted to try out some really good products out there in the market. I am in search for affordable ones but one that does not put it off quality wise.

i love matte lipsticks, if you haven’t noticed i am into matte lipsticks lately since i have oily skin and putting it on does not add on the shine i have on my face. Lol :-D .
good thing i found ever bilena in love that red. it is the my go to lippie for those stressful days and moments in the office.
here is a closer look at the product:

what i like:
  • affordable (for only 155 pesos)
  • good color pay off for a matte lipstick (really red)
  • easy to apply and glide on the lips
what i don’t like:
  • packaging (aesthetically wise not so girly looking) :-D
  • dries off easily :-(
  • does not last long you may need to reapply
  • blots, stains on my coffee mug used in the office
My over all rating: 3 out 5
so far i am loving this lipstick. it transforms my look with just one application without being too quirky. =)
you may grab one at the stores near you or you may visit Ever Bilena on facebook and like their facebook page for their product updates and promos.
how about you? have you tried this lipstick too?
do leave your comments. :-)

LOTD (Lipstick of the Day): Ever Bilena Matte Lipstick in Off Beat Pink

My second of the 12 lipsticks for my lipstick of the day posts for Ever Bilena matte lipstick is today as you can see.  I have been using this lipstck for two weeks now. Amongst the 12 colors, this one is what i liked best!
roflbot (1)

I got this lipstick as part of the complete set of matte lipstick – my prize for winning the contest hosted by Ever Bilena. The minute i held this baby and put on some on my lips was bliss! i love the color and the hue of pink on it. really what the name tells – “off beat”.

Cebu City, Philippines

Day 9 - A picture of your make up Collection

Wednesday, May 15

It's been a long time since this challenge have gone over me.. =)

I know I was not able to keep up with the 30 day challenge (make up) on my blog due to long hours of work plus the time I have to keep up with my beloved son Adi.

He is growing up so fast, that being not able to see him most of the time is killing me.

I work 9.6 hours that 48 hours in a week and it is a struggle to keep a blog, a job and also take care of my son. But that part is what makes me feel that I am a super mom. I guess?!! It's never an easy job but the most rewarding of all.

I guess I might as well proceed with the post. Enough of the mommy rants, I'd rather post a separate one for that too. You know, i love my son so much and I miss him ALL THE TIME.

For you who have or might have been interested to see my makeup collection, scroll down below. =)
Most of them I got from AVON

                            these are some of my eyeshadows and eyeliners, eye primer, blending brush, etc. i got the palette from chic cosmetics. so far, the colors are good but some of the colors are chalky =(
my makeup collection!. all sorts of them =) i actually love eye shadows. and lipsticks. I am also on the look out for the perfect foundation that is why i haven't got hold of them yet. that liquid foundation I got from AVON. I'll do a review on that soon. I have been using it for a month now and so far I am loving it!

that's it for me.
hope you enjoyed reading!


The things I wished I had known and done Before and after Giving Birth

Tuesday, May 14

Hi expectant Moms out there!

Being a mom-to-be and planning for your Maternity days ahead is not easy. Moms out there should take into consideration a lot of things. Most of us first time moms are often seeking for some inputs from our Moms, friends and even colleagues about whether to get a Maternity Package (read my post on that here), have a Private Doctor (OB-Gyne) and what Maternity Benefits we can avail from our Company Insurance or the question if we can avail of the Philhealth Benefits, for that matter other expenses that goes and comes out even before you realize it.

To avoid further headaches about the Post Maternity tasks, I'd like to share with you some of the things I wished I had known before I gave birth.

  1. Prepare yourself for unexpected things especially with your new born baby. (unplanned expenses for baby's needs or other diagnosis or complications after birth)
  2. Have a Pediatrician whom you like and trust. (comes after delivery OB will turn your baby over to the Pedia for care and further New born tests.)
  3. Accomplishing the post-maternity papers. if your baby has certain birth acquired disease have your MDR (philhealth member data record updated to reflect him/her to avail of the benefits)
  4. Save up some cash for unplanned hospital and personal expenses for medicines, baby's nursery needs like infant formula (milk).
  5. Be familiar with the Insurance Benefits (your company Health Care Provider) for your coverage of benefits.
  6. Always keep a copy of the Philhealth Claim Form 1 if your employed to avail of Philhealth claims.
  7. Always prepare yourself for the first time breastfeeding for your baby if you are a first time mother. Some weeks may be frustrating due to less milk that comes out but patience is key after all our baby's health is our main concern.
  8. Prepare maternity things like napkins, tissue, waist band (used for those who undergone CS).
  9. Be emotionally stable, prepare yourself from inflex of mixed emotions (happy, stress, pain, tears,post maternity hormonal imbalances) 
  10. Be strong for your baby and know that your family and loved ones will be there for you but not depend everything to them, eat right and stay healthy for the baby.
Hope you find this post helpful.
have a great day and thanks for reading!

Till my next post!

Ever Bilena Matte Lipsticks

Finally, the matte lippies have arrived.

They have after two weeks of waiting. yey!
These babies are my prizes for winning a promo from a Local Cosmetics brand here in the Philippines.
The EVER BILENA READ my Lips Promo announced on ther Facebook Page!

I had so much fun joining the promo, that I didn't even think of winning it. I just love their matte line of lipsticks that I immediately purchased one in the mall just around Cebu. The price, affordable! =)
The color pay off is great and can compete with other expensive imported brands in the market.

Here is my winning entry:

With the caption:

MY go to Lippie for those stressful moments at the office. I love how this lipstick transfroms my look. Plus it is affordable and perfect for the working moms like me. Thank you Ever Bilena Cosmetics Inc.
After a few weeks, I was super happy I was picked amongst all the entries.
And became part of their 20 winners.... =)

The Package:

I super love the colors!
I will be posting the swatches very soon. Hope you keep on visiting and thanks for reading!
Till my next post!

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