Fun Run Friday: My first ever Run!

Thursday, October 31

Hi Momsies!

Today is my post for tomorrow. ^_^. An advanced post this is! 
Anyways, I will be incorporating my running documentation here in my blog. and i hope I do inspire some mommies out there as well. So, every Friday I will be posting fun run posts here on my blog. 
This will serve as mapping/tracking site for all of  my runs. 
The picture above was taken during the Annual Milo Marathon held here in Cebu last 2008. Venue was the Cebu City Sports Complex.
That girl in white is me. :D my first 5k run was fun and exhausting at the same time, since there were really LOTS of participants! the road was filled and it was hard to run. most of us were just walking. 

P.S. This run was initiated by our former college instructor for us to earn points in our course in electromagnetism :D based on the above photo, alam na! maraming die hard to pass... hehehe

Running is it! Top Excuses Not to Run - And How to Beat Them

How to stay motivated to run

By Christine Luff, Guide
Sometimes we have the best intentions to run, but something gets in the way. Often it's our busy schedules or the weather that's the culprit; while other times it's just that we can't muster the motivation to get out there. Here are some of the most popular excuses for not running -- and how to make sure you don't fall victim to them.

1. "I Don't Have Time to Run."

Lack of time is one of the most popular excuses for skipping runs. But squeezing in your workouts may not be as impossible as you think. Instead of watching TV for 30 minutes, put on your running shoes and get moving. Or, divide your run up between the morning and evening -- your body still gets mostly the same benefits.

2. "I Get Bored Easily."

It's easy to get stuck in a running rut. We get comfortable running the same routes or it's easier to just jump on the treadmill. Shake up your running routine by mapping out some new routes using sites such as Or, sign up for some local races -- it will force you to run someplace different and it'll help get you motivated.

3. "I'm Just Not Motivated to Run."

All runners go through some periods when they're lacking motivation. One smart way to get inspired to keep running is to find a running group. When you know other people are counting on you to be at a workout, you're more likely to show up. And the social interaction and competition that comes with group training also help boost your motivation.

4. "It's Too Cold (or Hot) Outside."

I always tell runners, "There's no such thing as bad weather -- just bad clothes." In other words, if you're dressed properly and prepared to deal with less-than-ideal running weather, you can still go for a run -- and actually enjoy it. Get tips and precautions to take for running in the cold, heat, and rain.

5. "I'm Busy with My Kids."

As a mother, I know how tough it can be to fit in a run when you're busy caring for your family. But it's important for you -- and your kids -- that you get a chance to do something you enjoy that makes you feel good. Try to make running more a priority in your life and be a little selfish. Schedule your runs and get your spouse on board so you get help with some of the child-care responsibilities. And get creative and take advantage of opportunities to run. For example, if you're watching your kid's soccer game, run some laps around the field before or even during the game. 

Stopping by to update more on the side of my health and fitness. As of today, I am over 130 lbs... My, I still have to gain my pre pregnancy weight and figure. Well, anyways, I am really trying my best though. I am also getting the chance up in joining finally! the yoga and dance classes in the office. 

I'll be posting updates soon! *wink!*

The 9 Best Bottles For Breastfed Babies

Thursday, October 17

Hello Mommsies!

I joined Circle of Moms Community just recently and I am loving this Mom Community. If you are looking for really great motherhood forums out there I suggest you register and be a member as well.

If you are in the look out for the ultimate feeding bottles out there in the market, you might try these ones out. These were featured in via POPSUGAR MOMS. *lovin' the name!*

These 9 bottles below are some of the best at mimicking the motion, flow, and feeling of the breast.

That Strong Earthquake!

Last Monday Tuesday, at exactly 8.12 in the morning, we felt a strong quake shaking from beneath us.
I was with my son, Adi and fiance A outside our little hut in Mandaue when the grounds shook.

At first, I thought my neighbor's son, PJ just shook off our clothesline. It was swinging back and fourth.
then I heard my cousin Ate Lai shouting, the ground was trembling and a sound could be heared from beneath.

It was a morning I could never forget. I was shouting back at Adi and held him closely to me. While we were sitting feeling the earth tremble!

I couldn't believe it was happening but I kept my mind in complete control. I never panicked.
All I was thinking was for my dear neighbors and my family to be safe and could get out of this alive!
I was hearing my uncle shouting 'HOO!!' a tradition to keep the earthquake away.
I can see my mom covering her head and closing her eyes. She was in great fear.

After about 8 minutes or so, the shaking stopped.

I was relieved, I checked out everyone. I was glad we we're all okay.
Except for that little crack on the wall in our sala. Baby Adi was crying, and I was glad I was there to comfort him. It was a holiday and we were all at home.

Thank God! It was a holiday if it were not, I couldn't imagine how everything could have been.

Click Here for some of the evidences of the quakes devastating aftermath =(

Please help and donate:

Pink October: What you need to know about BREAST CANCER

Monday, October 14

Hi Mommsies!

Since October is Pink October month, I want to share this with you.
This was sent to me today by our company nurses as part of the information drive and campaign against Breast Cancer.

For me, the best weapons against it are breastfeeding (it's cheap and beneficial to us and our babies) and exercise. (i jog and run) *wink* 

Pls read on: 

Also Read: Breastfeeding Facts

It's Pink October!

Tuesday, October 8

Hi Mommsies!!

Did you know? that the month of October has been made the official world-wide Breast Cancer Awareness Month since 1985.

Its aim was to promote Mammograms as a significant component of early detection and breast cancer survival.

Why Pink is the color associated with Breast Cancer?  It is because the occurrence of the disease is predominant among women. Hence, it also known as "PINK OCTOBER".

Speaking of tools and detection, Chong Hua Hospital and Hi-Precision Diagnostics are now offering BIG DISCOUNTS on Mammography just for this Month of October.

If you have a family member  or a friend who wants to avail of this promo, you can directly call them.
Early detection saves lives!


Tuesday, October 1

Been having a lot of work lately. How ya doin momsies?
I hope you're doin great today.
Lately, I am into having a prob with my digestion. I am a person of slow metabolism, the reason for weight gain and hard to feed tummy often compels me to choose all sorts of food to eat and munch at just about anything. For Obvious reasons, I have bought the following items:

Wheat bread, Pineapple Juice, and mega Fiber!

Yes! Fiber Overload ang diet ko ngayon. =(

I badly need to detoxify. As for once, I have recently overheard from the radio propaganda the ill effects of high toxins in our body. And isa ako dun. Sa nakaka experience na ng symptons.

All over the world, people are becoming ill, sick or even dying because of toxins. Toxins pollute the human body, attack the healthy body and slowly destroy it. After years of storage, the toxins move into body cells and tissues. They ultimately produce such degenerative diseases as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, and others.
The Symptoms:

Common symptoms of excess toxins in the body include: constipation, poor digestion, stomach bloat, insomnia, fatigue, frequent headaches, muscle or joint aches and pains, bad breath, poor memory, poor skin, itching, excess weight, chronic respiratory or sinus problems, coated tongue, depression, weakened immune system and an overall feeling of lethargy.
I swear talagang I AM ONE OF THOSE. so start ako sa journey ko today.
I'm hoping to get good results out of this one.

have you tried this products too?
If so, please let me know.
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