The blissful sides of Motherhood

Thursday, July 17

I have been officially a mother for one year and 10 months and 17 days.

A few more to go and Adi and me will celebrate the big day!

Officially 2.

Adi will turn two years old this August and my how time flies so fast.

One moment I see him and he is still like a baby to me. The baby I will alyways cuddle along at night and
every mornings that I wake up.

Each day, I am thankful.

Thankful for the days that I get to spend with him.

Being at work is like a pain and a sweet thing all rolled into one.

I am glad that I have work to be able to sustain our needs, my son's and my family's.

I am grateful for each moment I see myself become a strong person amidst all the trials, misses, one cannot always say that the road is easy.

Motherhood will never be easy.

Each day. Life is unfolding. As we teach our child about life they show us what really Life is all about.

No one will ever understand the pains, the simple joys, the strength a mother has to master.

How simply we set aside our joys, our time and our efforts to raise our kids.

To feed them when they are hungry, to cloth them when they are cold.

To be their source of strength and them our only source of joy.

We are strong because of our children.

And that no body can ever break the bond that was there since we carried them inside our wombs.

No one else can replace or even surpass this.

That is why today, I am forever grateful that I am a mother.

Let's celebrate!


Reader of the Month for the Month of June Winner!

Wednesday, July 16

Hi Mommsies!

Pardon for the blog hiatus, Medyo MIA muna Ako for the past few days.
But don't you worry kasi now I will be announcing na my Reader of the Month for June.

 I have been busy with Adi lately he has been having dry cough associated with vomitting.

I was so worried..Kaba puyat at pagod ako at this very moment mga muther.
pero carry pa rin, I know I can still handle everything. Supermom wannabe kaya ako.. hahaha!

Anyways, I hope you there in the Luzon area are doing good. Grabeh din ang bagyo noh?

Ingat kayong lahat dyan.

As in I couldn't think if here siya tumama ng Signal number 3. Mahirap na may ubo pa si Adi ko.

Anyways, I won't keep you waiting..
Are you excited?

Well, I am too. Ako rin. This is my first Reader of the Month giveaway so I won't keep this post long..

The Reader is no other than my fellow pretty momma to be. A Cebuana too.
Siya lang nag tiyagang mag visit ng blog na to at mag comment.. pero thank you talaga sis!
I hope you are doing great na. Preggy kasi ang winner natin.. GoD Bless sayo sis.

And Congrats! Akira Marie Lanojan of Sweet Baby Doll

Email me within 48 hours at to claim your prizes and please indicate your contact details.

Thank you and more power to all of you... =)
God Bless!!!

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