5 Blogging Essentials for Mom Bloggers

Monday, February 22

One thing I learned from my recent job in the corporate world here in the Philippines is careful planning, goals setting and time management. I have read this one quote from an Instagram post and it quite hit me right on point now that I am a full-time mom.

On Self Discovery and this thing called Art

Saturday, February 20

 Hello mommsies!

A few months ago, I bought these pens from Fully booked here in Ayala Cebu and I was definitely hooked with it. My love for scribbling has been with me for a long time, way back my high school days where our teacher would often ask me to write quotes for our classroom decor. Yeah, i had that skill in lettering and I loved doing it for my classmates too. Whenever we would have the need to handletter their folders or our projects i would lend a hand to do the letterings for them.

So when I was recognized by my teacher as Artist of the Year, I was deeply honored and happy that my works where finally being recognized.

An artists' mind like mine is complicated and unpredictable. I would like to call myself one because honestly I would find myself scribbling letters in the air. Weird things pop out of my head and it's frustrating when you can't release the energy to just create and doodle, scribble and craft.

Believe me i have been dealing with this ever since I was born. I remember drawing paper dolls and dresses in my school paper and notebook. I think every girl in the 90's could relate. I have been keeping this secret of mine for a while since college days when I took up Engineering which by the way paved the way to my curious and analytical mind. I don't know maybe I am just that inquisitive that I like to find answers to all the questions running in my head.

Sometimes I just think that I took up the wrong course. Maybe my heart was just not into it so much. That my heart was in the creative field. That my interest were on designing, creating something with my own bare hands. Maybe I just discovered it now. AND I don't want anyone to dictate. I just wanted to be who I really am. That I am an artist. That I want to express myself and my craft. That I don't need an affirmation from anyone to believe that.

Just maybe nobody truly understands an artist except his works and his creativity. That an artist is unique from another artist and we should not compare. That's the one thing I learned is that. We should never be afraid to be ourselves. To be our own artist.

Life Lately and Welcoming Baby Ami!

Saturday, February 6

Hi there!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin After a long hiatus, I am finally writing again, on my husband's laptop.
It's been a long time since my last updated post, so yeah I have got a lot of things to talk about but I'll just let this moment sink in first off.

If you guys noticed, I left my day job and now focusing on my two little ones.
Mind you it was not an easy transition.
I left my job without much savings cause yeah most of my money went to my maternity expenses. The hubby also was not at ease at first and we had a few adjustments made on the first few days.

The whole 3rd week of December last year was a bit of a relaxation moment, I can say that at last after many years I can take this time off from the bustling busy corporate world to focus on myself being a breadwinner for almost five years, [ thanks to my sister and brother who have taken that responsibility as I am already married and having my own little family to feed and care for.]

So what have I been doing lately?
I have a lot of time now which is a good thing but the downside to it is sometimes, I don't know what to do with the time. Aside from watching and replaying Pia Wurtzbachs' videos on the winning the Miss Universe, I stare blankly at the walls. just kidding. I do some planning now which is more effective especially with the growing awesome community of creative planners here in the PH.

How do I keep up with blogging?
Not much, actually with the new baby it's challenging with the changing baby schedules. Having a personal journal actually helps. There are a lot of really awesome journal enthusiasts out there too but I personally like Mich of Seaweed Kisses. Visit her blog for some journaling ideas and inspirations.

How do I see the year ahead? Your Plans?
I have a lot in mind but there is one thing I really want to focus on, which is of course my kids Adi and Baby Ami. I also plan to take this year as a learn-something-new year, Hopefully to hone my skills in crafting if not in creating some awesome dishes for my family. Running a small business and also still making time for blogging.

And oh yeah, by the way, say hello to my Cutie Patootie.. Ami =)

She's sleeping but More updates soonest, I will have to doze myself off....
If you are on instagram please follow me @shesgraz..

Thanks and have a great weekend!


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