Kanebo Beauty Workshop here in Cebu City

Thursday, February 21

Hi everyone! 

This is a repost from Random beauty by Hollie

I'd like to share with you this invite from Kanebo Philippines.  They are inviting us beauty enthusiasts to their Private Sale and Beauty Workshop here in Cebu City.

You will have a chance to experience the Kanebo Beauty Workshop. It will be held at Marriot Hotel here in Cebu City on February 28, 2013 at 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

Learn how to look fresh in vivid colours together with their local guest makeup artist, Mr. John Rubi. You also get first dibs on the Lunasol Spring Summer Makeup Collection 2013.  

Workshop Fee is only Php 500.00 and you can use that to redeem Kanebo products. The event will include a Makeup Workshop, Skincare Application and Snacks.

Please make RSVP to:
Yannie  @ +63 922-8672309
Judith   @ +63 905-7735789
Cristine @ +63 927-9128137

Till next post.


Valentine SALE!!!

Monday, February 11

Hi Everyone,

February it is and gone are the mishaps of impulse buying for gifts to give your loved ones this season of love.

Now, with the advance technology, everyone can enjoy shopping at the convenience of the just one click right at your own home and get your purchases within just three days delivered crisp and new at your doorstep.

Review on LA Girl Pro Concealer in Pure Beige

Friday, February 8

Hi Guys!
How's your day been today?

Mine's a bit busy over the week, a lot of things going on and I am adjusting to.
Anyways, I am here to review this product from LA Girl. It's been a long time that I haven't posted about this product since I already got a hold of it for almost 6 months.

This is my first ever concealer, I'm not really into liquid concealers, stick concealers do well for me but I haven't got so many products in fact I only got one concealer that is not liquid.

So, here we go:

LA Girl Pro Conceal High Definition 

Day 6 - Are you into False eyelashes?

Hi Good Day to all my readers!

How's your day been?

Today I will be posting Day 6 of my 30 day Makeup Challenge.


I have been viewing a lot of make up tutorials in you tube in the likes of noe of colorismyweapon, ana patricia and a whole lot more...

For me false eyelashes are essential to achieve those striking eyes but I don't deem it to be a necessity for everyday use.

Practically speaking, I don't use it for the purpose of beauty but because I work in the office and most of the time I spend facing the computer.

But I would love to try those too, I would prefer the natural hair ones since it would look like my lashes and not so overdo my everyday look. =)

February it is -- and a Splash of Colors? Do you Mind?

Thursday, February 7

Hello Everyone!

It is February once again. The month of January has swept through as fast as lightning. Well, almost as though I had't felt time sweeping by I guess that's just how it is being a mom to a very malikot baby boy. But don't get me wrong, I love every single moment of it. Being a mom is the best feeling in the whole world that I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Just recently, I browsed thru multiply and found this online seller which sells different tools for makeup as well as other cosmetics that are quite affordable.

I love eyeshadow palettes and I have seen so much of them on you tube and as much as I want to try out my make up artistry side, I must get my hand on them for once. I would really love to do a makeup tutorial on my blog right here as so my readers can learn as much as I am also learning.

Here are some of the items I got from Chic Cosmetics!

REVIEW: Avon Super Shock Mascara

Monday, February 4

Hi everyone!

How are you doing today?

I hope your day is great and fab and you are in perfect shape at this time of the month.
Yes it is now February, and thanks I can already share with you some review on a product just release by the Company for Women, AVON.

I will be doing a quick review on this amazing product. I really want to try it out if its really that effective so that is why i went on and purchased it myself.

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