Hair Care Tips: My Current Hair Care Resolution | Mom In Style

Wednesday, August 8

One of the things I am very passionate about doing is maintaining a good and healthy skin as well as the hair. I have always been very skeptical about hair and skin care when I started working in the office because grooming plays a well vital essential in the workplace especially when you are facing people and co-workers almost every single day.

Spending too much on expensive shampoos and conditioners, I have tried to see some results on my hair. I have tried several hair products including Hair Conditioners to maintain the locks and smoothness of my curly hair.
But just this year, I notice’d that I am experiencing hair loss and my hair starts to thin out! Gasp! I badly need help.
Here are ways I am looking into this year to achieve back my once shiny and thick curly hair.

  1. Avoiding Excessive Cleansing – I will make sure to not overly use harsh shampoos with harsh ingredients on my hair. Lately, I have been using really strong shampoos and on a daily basis, which started out when I stopped working and everyday when I shower I forget to tone shampooing down. I now do shampoo every other day and use coconut oil instead. I have also been suffering of dandruff lately and it has gotten worse now that I am aging. I have also discovered that some days our scalp suffer drying or dehydration that is why it is important to re-hydrate them too! Here are some of the option of shampoos that are best for dry scalp.
  2. Using a Big – toothed comb – I have been using this big toothed comb for my hair for like 5 years already to avoid split ends and the likes. Brushing your hair infinite times a day, playing with your hairs. Using a hard brush, back-combing now and then, all are actions of rough handling. This can weaken the hair from the root, and hence, result in damaging of the hair cuticle, and eventually hair fall. Even this can lead to hair splits, snaps, or frays. So, avoid rough handling your hair and pamper them a little. –
  3. Avoiding Stress – Yes stress can contribute to the poor hair growth too! Stress affects the proper functioning of cells and tissues, which are responsible for the healthy growth of hair. So, if you want really good hair, then it is important to stay stress-free. That is why I include like a weekly de-stressing activity together with my husband and my kids.
4. Exercise regularly. Ever since I have been working from home,  I already have been missing out on long walks to the office and regular commutes, too. Exercise can help regulate the blood flow in your body and cells. Calisthenics is a good way of promoting better hair growth. Stretching helps reduce the build-up of acid in the cells and muscles and therefore leads to much decreased hair fall. Overall exercises should be balanced with a nutritious diet in order to beneficially affect both the body and our hair.
5. Try not to brush my hair when it’s wet. It damages the hair and detangles it hard damaging the hair. Will also try to comb my hair from the buttom to the top for it to detangle easier and with minimal damage.
6. Back away from daily shampoo. Since I have an oily hair, I have decided to back out from applying it daily. Like with oily skin, washing oily hair too often tricks your glands into producing even more oil. Try to cut down to washing every other day. Look for shampoos with ingredients like tea tree oil, chamomile and aloe; these will soothe and calm your hair and scalp.
7. Use coconut oil or aloe as natural shampoo alternative. Aloe Vera+curry leaves oil=take 150 ml of coconut oil add about cup of fresh aloe vera gel extracted from leaf. Curry leaves(30–40) and boil it on low flame about 5–10 min and its done and use it on regular basis and notice the difference. I will absolutely give this a try!
8. Use Rice Water. Yes,  Rice water has vitamin B, C, E, and minerals, which helps in tightening your skin and shrinkage of open pores on your face.
To make a concentrate of rice water to use all week long in its diluted form as a facial wash or hair rinse, prepare rice as you normally would, but use two to three times the amount of water you usually would.
After the rice has cooked, strain it out. The leftover water will be a vivid white color, and will contain a high concentration of nutrients. However, don’t use it at full strength. Instead, dilute a few tablespoons of this concentrated rice water into a cup of clean water, making a barely milky-looking mixture.
Use this diluted solution to wash your face or to treat your hair, and store the leftover concentrate in the refrigerator in a covered container for up to one week.
9. Protect the Hair. I have been going out lately with kids and everytime I do fetch and send my son to school, I make sure that I apply hair protection on my hair. But sometimes, I tend to overdo it so I am properly choosing the right chemicals for my hair. I use vitress hair cuticle coat and sometimes I apply conditioner from Watsons. Exposure to excessive sun, heat, dirt, pollution, etc. adds to our already existent hair woes. These can lead to dirt build up, drying out of hair and scalp, increased susceptibility to infections on the scalp. Cover your hair with an umbrella or a hat. Even your dupatta will do.
10. Apply natural remedies for hair fall.
Hair fall is the most common problem these days. Stress, depression, lack of proper diet, hereditary issues are some of the reasons for hair fall. With proper care and some natural homemade remedies you can reduce hairfall.
11. Commitment to Hair Care. You may not believe it, but commitment is truly the number one ingredient in obtaining prolonged healthier hair. You see, without having it, developing hair will undoubtedly be tight and painful. In reality, you will need far more than an ounce of commitment because you will need to have it all the time you are taking care of your hair.
For one, she should be dedicated to the mission not just to increase the hair but to grow long healthy hair. Following the same, she needs to stay focused on choosing the most efficient hair merchandise amid the multitude of hair items in the market place. What is more important, with out it, she will surely feel the laziness before going for a haircut every month even for an inch of the hair. –

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