
It's Amazing what make up can Do: A Makeover 101 at Watsons Ayala

Monday, November 26

It's Amazing really what make up can do. I was strolling by Ayala to get some cute umbrellas for the rainy season. But see what I found, myself at watsons for their great make up sale... =)

I was really hooking for the lipstick grab since I am out of stock nowadays since I gave birth to my baby boy last August. I just came back from work mid October so what can I say, i was having that "losyang" image right then and there and I just need some makeover. 

A picture taken right before the make over. =) Sooo.... ngarag! hehehe LOL!
Forgive me about the outfit, as I am really probing the losyang look. XD grin.

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