
Repost: Don't you dare!

Monday, March 3

Fully 85% of your success and happiness in life is going to be determined by the quality of 

the relationships that you develop in your personal and your business activities. Similar to

 famous entrepreneurs, the more people you know and who know you in a positive way, 

the more successful you will be and the faster you will move ahead.

At virtually every turning point in your life, someone is standing there to either help you or hinder you. Famous entrepreneurs make a habit of building and maintaining a network of high-quality relationships throughout their lives, and as a result, they accomplish vastly more than the person who goes home and watches television each night.

More than 90% of your success will be determined by your “reference group.” Your reference group is defined as the people with whom you habitually identify and pass the time.
You are like a chameleon in that you take on the attitudes, behaviors, values, and beliefs of the people with whom you associate most of the time. If you want to be a successful person in business, if you want to become one of the famous entrepreneurs, associate with positive people.

Associate with people who are optimistic and happy and who have goals and who are moving forward in their lives. At the same time, get away from negative, critical, complaining people. If you want to fly with the eagles, you cannot scratch with the turkeys.

Whenever you meet new people, ask them to tell you about their businesses and, tell you what you would need to know to send clients or customers to them. Then, as soon as possible, see if you can send some business their way. Be a “go-giver” rather than a go-getter. Always look for ways to put in before you start thinking of ways to take out.

The very best way to network and build your relationships is to constantly look for ways to help other people achieve their own goals. This is the best secret for learning how to make money without expecting something in return.

For more goal setting tips, click here for my free goals eBook:

Who do you associate with?:)

Hashtag RIP Dolphy

Wednesday, July 11

The comedy king of the Philippines no other than Mr Pidol himself has passed away last night at exactly 8:43pm. As I was doing my nightly ritual half bath i was surprised to see my fiance read a text message from a common friend of ours which read 'patay na c dolphy' (Dolphy is dead).

To that i quickly instructed my brother to open the TV and watch for news for confirmation.
And it was it, CONFIRMED! The comedy king we all adore and respect had passed away to cardiac arrest.
He was 83. The one thing that really uttered out of my mouth were the words, "patay na jud c dolphy" (dolphy is really dead now.) and just like anybody else whose childhood went from the 90's i came to know of him as that old man on prime time TV with the name 'kevin cosme' in home along DA riles. Remembering the old times, my innocent laughs as a child and my affection for him and his family on that sitcom. I hope abscbn gets to pay tribute by airing the episodes.

I will surely miss him. Nonetheless, he has touched the lives of many Filipinos for decades.
he will be forever in my memories and that melody, 'home along DA riles, home along DA riles' keeps on buzzing in my ears just like an LSS song one cannot forget. 

To Mang Kevin, Pidol, Mang Dolphy, May you rest in peace with the Lord God.
Thank you for the laughter. 'problema ay may remedy, kapag may konting comedy.' indeed.

Here is a statement of his son eric quizon which i got from twitter since it trended even worldwide.

Till then,

Online Marketing Venture

Wednesday, November 23

It has been such a long time since I planned on trying out online marketing.

Online Marketing has been really a trend this days especially with the onset of social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, Multiply and the like.
I never thought making money would be a hit! Well, just now I am becoming a "suki" of some online shops for local businesses here in Cebu City.

You know, fashion never goes out in time, its just like travelling the long winding road that has no end.
Style never goes out and just like history, will repeat itself.

Recently, I have venture finally into this thing I have perking about a long time ago.
I just had to buy a laptop, an inexpensive digital camera and a broadband internet. And Whoola! I am all set.

By the way, I needed a name for my online shop. So here I am, finally made up a cool name for my site or for my online store. I named it Xena's. to the Warrior princess says strong and determined warrior of style, cool huh? 

 Yeah it's called XENA'S Thriftshoppe. And here's that picture that goes with it.. Just simple one to capture the theme of my store not that really trendy but classy. :)

Yeah, so there I had all the things I needed. :)
I am all set. Hopefully, I get to serve the stylish finds in town to cater my soon-to-be customers.  

I just opened my first ever Collection HERE.

I hope you could drop by my store, too and LIKE our page!

See yah around and Happy Shopping! 

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