
February it is -- and a Splash of Colors? Do you Mind?

Thursday, February 7

Hello Everyone!

It is February once again. The month of January has swept through as fast as lightning. Well, almost as though I had't felt time sweeping by I guess that's just how it is being a mom to a very malikot baby boy. But don't get me wrong, I love every single moment of it. Being a mom is the best feeling in the whole world that I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Just recently, I browsed thru multiply and found this online seller which sells different tools for makeup as well as other cosmetics that are quite affordable.

I love eyeshadow palettes and I have seen so much of them on you tube and as much as I want to try out my make up artistry side, I must get my hand on them for once. I would really love to do a makeup tutorial on my blog right here as so my readers can learn as much as I am also learning.

Here are some of the items I got from Chic Cosmetics!

DAY 7 - Fave Eyeshadow Color Palette

Thursday, January 31

Hi how are you doing today?

My question for the challenge is a tough one since I am an eye makeup type of girl.
I love colors especially on the eyes and perhaps for me the eye is the most catching feature a woman has and accentuating it with the perfect shades of shadows would be unkaboggable! (cannot be outwon).

I have tried  various eye shadows as well from cosmetic brands like AVON, Ever Bilena, Colors Cosmetics (Colour Collection from Tupperware Brands) and also some China made products in the market.

Review: Beauty Treats Wallet Palete

Tuesday, December 11

Hi there pretty! How is your day going?
Last month, I got this wallet from Beauty treats here in Watsons. 
Want to get a glimpse on this baby? Read On. =)

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