Collagen Lotion Thing

Tuesday, October 11

Hi Loves!

Time for another skin care review and this time it is this lotion I have been using lately. The Annecy Collagen Lotion which by the way was given to me by my cousin last June. You might be asking what is Collagen and what I think about this product. 

As for us women and moms like me who are in their 30s, it is important to take care of ourselves most especially our Skin. Self Care is very crucial and important for women and moms who are busy handling many things and wearing many hats may it be at the workplace or at home. 

Skin Care has been my priority when it comes to beauty and health as it is the first thing that people notice. I admit I don't have the perfect porcelain skin. I have also noticed that my body is so much more inclined in the masculine side more than the feminine side. Yes, I am a Type 3 woman and most woman who fall on that type mostly don't have perfect flawless skin. So much of that, you may read more of my body type on this post here >> Dressing my Truth

Collagen is essential for our health and appearance. This protein is also necessary to reduce the typical signs of aging. Collagen is also an important building block for elasticity and it's ability to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

What I love about this Lotion is that it also contains Hyaluronic Acid, a moisturizing agent that is endowed with 500x moisture restoring and retaining capacity. I was surprised too that it has Sunflower Oil, Wheatgerm Oil and Trehalose - a killer combination that enhances skin moisture retention capacity and achieves antioxidative effect perfectly. 
Here is the current photo of the bottle and I am almost 3/4 usage.
The bottle is almost empty. 

Overall, I love this product so much. I love the packaging and it is really moisturizing. I highly recommend this lotion. You may also check the website of Annecy Cosmetics or follow them on instagram Annecy Cosmetics. 

Disclaimer: This is not sponsored by Annecy. Review is based on my honest experience about the product.

Thryoid Disorder Awareness: Knowing the Symtoms

Monday, October 3

Hi Mommies!

I hope you all had a fab weekend with your families and loved ones. Just last September 29th I was invited to attend a blogger's event here in Cebu about Thyroid Disorder Awareness.

At first, I was kind of hesitant to sign up since it's on a friday and I am taking care of Ami. But you know me, when there are events like this, I always try my best to sign up and cross my fingers that I could attend. And there I was, at Radissons and braving my ass off despite the 6pm event time.

Although I arrived late, I was glad the talk hasn't started yet and I found myself sitting with my co- women bloggers from Cebu. I was excited and eager to learn from the talk. Dr. Chrysanthus Herrera, Medical Science and Governement Affairs Manager of Merck, Inc. gave the opening remarks. 

According to a study made by the Philippine Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism in 2012, one in 11 Filipino adults has goiter, and around one in 12 Filipino adults suffers some form of thyroid disorder.   
Millions of Filipinos are affected by problems with their thyroid, yet very little awareness to the disease has been put. To raise awareness about this disease, Merck Inc. sponsored this event. 

Dr. April Melody Abcede, of the Philippine Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism gave an informative talk on what the thyroid is, as well as the symptoms of thyroid disease.

The Thyroid Gland is a vital and essential part of our body since it is where the Thyroid hormones TSH are produced. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are diagnosed as well based on the T3 and T4 levels found in our blood. The thyroid gland is also referred to as the "master controller" of metabolism and is important to our over-all health and well-being. 
I really learned a lot of things most especially about the importance of the Thyroid in our body and therefore, we must do our best to take care of it. Eating iodine rich foods, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet.
Photos taken during the talk. So glad to be here and meet my fellow bloggers.

Women and moms like us are also found to be more susceptible to this disease. Especially with pregnant women and even women after they gave birth. The chances of getting the disease like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism is high. That is why TSH levels are also being checked during pregnancy if you are diagnosed with the disease. And our babies as well during New Born Screening. 

I highly encourage every mom especially you if you are reading this to educate yourself and spread the word.

You may also visit the website,, an online repository of information where you can learn more about thyroid disorders. It also contains useful guides which can help you check for symptoms of the disorder such as goiter, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

I hope you learned a lot as much as I did. You can also help disseminate this information by sharing this post to your friends through facebook or twitter.

Stay Healthy!

Recipe Alert: Crispy Potato Balls

Tuesday, September 20

Hi Dearies! Time for Recipe Alert.

Here is one of my favorite home cooked snackers which I love preparing for myself, and for Adi and Allen as well. As much as I want to cook a full meal, I am time deprived so I can only prepare this one. What an excuse but, this is really yummy plus you can create one too for your loved ones and especially your kids.  Now that I am at the comfort of our home, I do my best to cook whenever I can. So despite my busy schedule as a mom allow me to share with you my own version of Potato Balls. 


• Cooking Oil
• 2 Medium Sized Potatoes
• Flour
• Eggs
• Butter or Margarine
• Breading Mix

1. Boil the potatoes.
2. After boiling, peel and mash the boiled potatoes on a plate using a fork or spoon.
3. Add 2 egg yolks and butter and then mix.
4. Place the mixture in a fridge for about 2 to 3 minutes.
5. Shape mixture into tiny balls.
6. Dip the potato balls in beaten egg and flour and then finally into the breading mix.
7. Fry the potato balls in hot cooking oil. It has to be hot but not too much to avoid burning or the balls will burst.
8. Fry until cooked.
9. Prepare in a plate and serve with ketchup, gravy or any sauce.



I have this Thing for Makeup

Wednesday, August 24

Hi Dearies!!!
I am really losing myself lately. I am soo broke for like the entire year of my life. I am solely dependent on my husband now being just a stay-at-home mom. I miss my damn paycheck!

Well, truth be told I am an addict to beauty. I am easily drawn to pretty things which I don't know why. I started this blog with barely little knowledge on makeup before. I even thought to myself that what a waste of money that would have been if my hobby. But look I am still buying this freaking lipsticks. 

I am officially posting this to just tell you that I am slowly getting back to my medications. I am definitely coming back for more reviews especially with my affordable drugstore finds. I am a makeup addict on a budget so hopefully you will learn more from me. *winks!*

For now, let me sort some of my makeup tools and brushes as we go along this journey. 

Love you all and thanks for reading this post.
I can't wait to share some of the looks I will be able to create in the future.

Much Love!!!


To Travel Far and Wide

Thursday, August 11

Hi, Mommsies!!! How's your day going?

I felt so busy lately at home that I only get to sport a homey vibe kinda look. There are a lot of things I miss for sure since being a stay-at-home mom. Seeing all of my friends online having the time of their lives while travelling makes me want to join the trend.

Okay, I admit I am not really a busy "traveller." In fact, I only got to ride in an airplane once and never rode any boat (except for the small ferry boat that we rode going to and from an island close beside Cebu, Lapu-Lapu City).

Back in the days, I would think that going on a travel is scary. Going in a new place, packing my stuff, booking flights, and searching for hotels took a toll on me that I realized maybe next time. Maybe next time. Until that next time never came. 

I have always had travel bucket lists up on my planner for days. When I became a mom, the desire to travel and go places haunts me now more than ever. I want to travel or, make that - need to travel. 😀 When I finally get my passport, of course, which are in the plans.

I want to take my kids with me to places like Disneyland. Singapore and Japan are also among the places we are planning to visit. Fingers crossed. In God's perfect time.

I have always wanted to travel through an online travel agency but can't find the time to do so. And many of my blogger friends tell me its expensive or cost more if we book through the travel agency. And now I can  because I have with me Traveloka!

TRAVELOKA is an online travel agency. Which is cooler since I can search for flights and hotels from home.

Thanks to technology, travelling has been made easier. I don't need to go through all the hassle of searching for cheaper flights and hotel deals online. That's really great right? Most especially if you are a busy mom like me.

What I love about Traveloka is that you can download and install the app on your phone for free. You can download the app in Google Play Store for Android and App Store. I have installed the app and now I can easily access hotel and plane ticket deals.  Hurray !!! Here's how it looked like on my phone.

I love the feel, its very user-friendly and also like that they have a price alert feature so you can easily get notified when the fare changes. How cool is that?

For now, let me sort back my bucket list. Time to save up because on to the next destination I go!

How about you? Have you tried using Traveloka, too?

I would love to know! Share your experience in the comments section below.


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