Cebu Landmasters @ 20: Two Decades of Masterful Development

Thursday, September 28

CLI also celebrates Chairman and CEO Jose Soberano III winning Property Guru Real Estate Personality of the Year

A multi-billion publicly listed company founded in 2003, CLI looks back on its proud past and ahead to a bright future, which includes a much-anticipated expansion in Luzon

CLI presents over 100 masterfully designed projects in different stages of development across 16 cities in the VisMin region

Jose Soberano III, CLI Chairman and CEO, received the industry’s highest distinction from the 11th PropertyGuru Philippines Property Awards

Navigating the Real Estate Market in a Post-Pandemic World

Thursday, September 14

The COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on nearly every aspect of our lives, including the way we buy and sell real estate. As we emerge from the crisis, the real estate market is undergoing significant transformations and adaptations. In this article, we will explore the key changes in the post-pandemic real estate landscape and provide valuable insights for buyers, sellers, and investors looking to navigate this new terrain.

10 Essential Tips for Creating a Family Budget That Works | Creating a Successful Family Budget

Tuesday, September 12

Managing your family's finances can often feel like a juggling act, especially in a world filled with tempting expenses and unexpected financial challenges. But fear not, because with the right approach, you can create a family budget that not only works but also helps you achieve your financial goals and dreams. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the ten essential tips for creating a family budget that truly works for you and your loved ones.

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