Preparing For Baby's Arrival: What to Bring to the Hospital

Monday, July 23

The arrival of your new son or daughter is a time of excitement and joy. It's often a hectic time as well, so it can be difficult to remember to pack everything that you need to bring to the hospital.

About a month before the baby's due date, you should make sure you have the following items. Pack as many as you can beforehand.

You can use the following checklist as a guide to getting organized for the big event. :)
(This one is from my prenatal booklet handed to me by my OB-Gyne from Multicare Pharmaceuticals Philippines).

Most of my baby stuffs I got from the gifts given to me by my office mates during my baby shower. So, I only need to buy newborn pants, mittens, new born cloth (lampin) and my going home outfits also best to use when breastfeeding at the hospital.

You can also check out this site for more relevant items to bring with you upon your arrival at the hospital on this site here.

Also, don't forget to bring the following essentials especially needed in the hospital for medical/legal purposes.
  • Identification Card (ID) for you and your partner
  • Philhealth Claim Form 1 (duly signed by employer)
  • Updated Philhealth Member Data Record ( MDR )
  • Hospital Receipts and Bills just in case
  • Medical Note given to you by your doctor upon admission if you are under a private doctor, for those under maternity package (your copy of prenatal results and forms given by the hospital)
  • Medical provider ID (for those enrolled in a medical insurance plan i.e Maxicare, Philcare, etc.)
Hope this post helped you on your preparation for the coming of your newborns.
Anything you'd like to add to the list? Do leave your comments and share.

Till then,


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  2. This is a very good post, Grazie. Very informative and a lot of preggie moms out there will find this very helpful. Thanks for linking up with E'BTG. More power to you! :)

  3. Timely piece . I Appreciate the facts , Does anyone know where I could get access to a fillable PH PMRF form to fill out ?

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