Happy Weekends!

Monday, June 27

Hi friends! How's the going?I hope you got an awesome Monday. Last weekend with the family, we get to spend a little more time and I am really happy with it. Our Ameila has been growing fast. So i took a picture of her with this fabric that I got. I love the design and I thought of taking a picture of her on it. The husband was away on Saturday the whole day since he was out for OT. Washing clothes. Doing the laundry. Cleaning the house. On Sunday, they get to bond with Adi and I watched The Huntsman Winters war. Guess what? I loved the cinematography and the story too.
 That's the photo. Not bad. With good lighting and a smartphone I can already take well decent pictures.  Hashtag HappyDance! I immediately uploaded the same on my instagram account. With the hashtags

#flashesofdelight#letthekids #letthembelittle#liveauthentic#pursuepretty#nothingisordinary#thehappynow#thatsdarling#motherhoodthroughinstagram#motherhoodrising#livethelittlethings#littleandbrave#mom_hub#childhoodunplugged#mybeautifulmess#unitedinmotherhood#thepursuitofjoyproject#ministylekids#childofig#dailyparenting#candidchildhood#pixel_kids#kids_circle 

There are a lot of like minded moms out there who document their lil ones through photos too and im exactly feeling the vibes and joining the wagon. Coz why not? It's fun and engaging. I admit they are far more better photos than mine but it inspires me to take more beautiful photos. ๐Ÿ˜€
 Father and the rest of the neighbors who are close relatives got mango picking too so we had the opportunity to get some. Just a lil though. Oh those mango trees are huge. They have been in the neighborhood for since before I was born. And those trees are not ours. It is owned by Noy Nacio. Who also owns the land we are renting.
These are glorious. Sour and sweet. Summer is not over baby!!! ๐Ÿ˜„ I can make mango floats or shakes with these. Yeah?

 And yes, we invaded snapchat too. Just like everybody else. Lol! Follow our snaps. username is "yomomma.gracina". AMI and me love our cute flower crowns. ๐Ÿ˜€

That's it for now. Let me get back to my laundry.
Talk to you soonest! Have a great week ahead!

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