
How to be a Successful Blogger?

Sunday, July 17

Are you self-confident? As a blogger we all need to develop this very skill or the least already have it when you started a blog. Being a blogger for more than 6 years has taught me that we all need to be unique and different. By that I mean we need to embrace that unique self of ours. Being in a vast world of bloggers in the blog-osphere can be taunting especially if you are only starting.

The question still remains, how do I become a successful blogger? What will set my blog apart from the rest of the blogs? Is it the pictures that I am taking? Maybe. Is it the frequency of my posts? Maybe. My Popularity on social media? Maybe. I mean there are a lot of doubts and questions that really bother me when I started blogging. 

When I started blogging around 2009, I only blogged to rant. I blogged to document my joys. I blogged because I want to share something out of my personal experiences.

Being a blogger requires hard work, persistence to push ourselves, and believing in ourselves no matter what. Whether no one cares to read our post to whether I feel like sharing this story or not.

The key to successful blogging are these things (for me) :

SELF - CONFIDENCE. Yes! Believe in yourself. For me, blogging is an art. And Creativity takes courage. Develop that skill and continue to believe that you can do it. You can be a successful blogger.

CONSISTENCY. Post as much as frequently as possible. Readers will read blogs which are always updated. That is what keeps them coming. You can start by making blog series. I got this idea from other bloggers too. And really that is quite effective. The key here is to find blog series topics which are engaging and somewhat intriguing so you readers will keep on coming and provide that sense of excitement to come back.

PERSISTENCE. When I was starting out, I had zero followers. No one reads my post and my lay-out was bad. The key to this is to be persistent in visiting other bloggers webpages, giving sincere comments after reading their blog posts and putting your blog link. Asking for a follow was not bad as long as you maintain a healthy relationship with your blogger friends. This way your following will grow eventually and people will visit and read your blog. The tools I used before was the Google Friend Connect since they automatically adds our blog feeds to the person's blogger dashboard. That way fellow bloggers are updated of our posts. And may actually catch their attention to read our posts. Simple as that.

FINDING WAYS TO IMPROVE. Never settle. Always find ways to improve. Seek help from the internet on how to improve. Before my blog lay-out was very bad and I had no idea about HTML and editing my blog skins. Through the years, I have developed that skill. And i loved changing my layouts on my own. The key to blog layouts though is not to overdo it. Use only widgets which you think are useful and helpful for your blog. A mistake I have learnt over years in blogging.

CONNECT WITH OTHER BLOGGERS. As I have already mentioned, blogging would be boring if you blog alone. You need a community where you can grow. Start by joining or continue building a community of like minded bloggers. One is joining facebook groups and posting or sharing relevant blog posts or even your own blog posts.

SHARING USEFUL INFORMATION. Sharing is caring as everyone says. So share your content. Remember to share only information that will somehow be relevant to your readers. Share. Share. and Share. Timing is also relevant especially with the social media platforms nowadays. Schedule sharing optimally to make sure you catch the right individuals at the same time.

HONESTY. As much as possible be honest. You can never go wrong with this. Build an online reputation where your readers, advertisers and the like will trust.

. And last but not the least take good pictures. Make an effort to provide your readers the visual learning as they say. Reading long blog posts can be boring so use engaging and great photos with your posts and your blog will go a long way!

Hope you learned some helpful tips as you go along with your blog. Blog about the things you love and love what you do and the rest will come along. Good Luck!


The 8th Best Cebu Blog Awards Night is Here!

Friday, November 27


This coming December 06, 2015 is a night of recognition and the awarding of the best of the best bloggers in town. Woot! The Best Cebu Blog Awards (BCBA) is celebrating it's 8th Awards Night. yes you heard it right!

As co-presented by Smart Communications, Inc.,  BCBA will once again acknowledge the excellent works of Cebu - Based Bloggers over the year. Isn't this exciting enough? ^_^ I can personally get to meet some awesome bloggers whom I follow and secretly stalk online. ^_^ Apart from that I get to witness the winners receive their respective awards. To be honest, I am very grateful to be invited to grace this event.

I am deeply honored to be one of the five finalists under the Best Cebu Personal Blog Category. Honestly, I never thought that my blog would reach this milestone. I simply dedicate this blog to all moms out there especially my fellow Cebu Nanays, fellow mommy bloggers, to my mom and to all single moms who are just pure awesome. Also, to our little angels, our kids, our babies who fill our lives with so much joy. Our kids are our inspiration and thus, my blog It is with real gesture of love and sincerity that I make 'hugot' all my personal thoughts, creative ideas for the home, even make shift toys which I haven't gotten the time to post yet. I will soon! My blog is bit personal but there is nothing more universal than being real. Thank you so much BCBA for this recognition. Win or lose.

Thank you to all the Sponsors who make this event successful. 

Silver Sponsors

Donor Sponsors

Media Partners

Event Photographer


Geemiz: Accounting Blog

Live. Love. Blog!
for live updates: #bcbawards2015 , #cebutopblogs

#CBSTalks: Best Blogging Practices on Nov 28th

Thursday, November 19

Hi Mommsies and Fellow Cebu Based Bloggers! now is the time of the year for us to gather once again to collaborate and innovate the blogging scene in the Queen City of the South!

Cebu Bloggers Society (CBS), Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino and Smart Communications would like to proudly present this year's #CBSTalks: Best Blogging Practices

I can't wait to see all the speakers from whose blogs I also stalk and follow =). I already registered, and I hope to gain more insights from them about best blogging practices and taking my blogging career to a whole new level.

Below are some of Cebu's renowned bloggers who will speak at the event.

New Blog Title and Brand

Thursday, January 9

Hi there! As you may have noticed, I have an updated new blog title! =)

Well, I have this insanity running inside my head that you may notice I get to update the title of my blog for quite a few times hence the watermark of some of my photos changing from time to time.

For now, I am still using my original site address name colorfull bliss. thinking of keeping it for the sake of site visits and ranks. *wink* Since blogging really is becoming my bliss naman pud.

Yo, Momma! is the my new blog name. And I am really hoping that I can keep this for the longest permanent time and maybe use it when I finally get my new domain. would sound OK pero hopefully dili pa ni siya taken nga address ( hope this address is still not taken). *wink!

Anyways, Yo, Momma! from the queen city of the south will still be blogging about my life lessons as a new mother, my misadventures from work, my beauty finds, my never ending Ukay-Ukay hauls and new interesting homemade crafts for all mommas or not mommas out there.

I hope you that you still keep visiting my blog. I will look forward to hearing from you soon in my next posts!


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