
Swatch x Review: Simbalion 16 Colors Watercolor Cake

Saturday, March 5

Hi Mommsies! What a great way to start March, right? 
It's by the way Fire Prevention Month here in the Philippines, I am not sure if it is also in the other parts of the globe or from wherever you are reading this post ATM. I hope you are doing well and good.
February went by so fast. 

On Self Discovery and this thing called Art

Saturday, February 20

 Hello mommsies!

A few months ago, I bought these pens from Fully booked here in Ayala Cebu and I was definitely hooked with it. My love for scribbling has been with me for a long time, way back my high school days where our teacher would often ask me to write quotes for our classroom decor. Yeah, i had that skill in lettering and I loved doing it for my classmates too. Whenever we would have the need to handletter their folders or our projects i would lend a hand to do the letterings for them.

So when I was recognized by my teacher as Artist of the Year, I was deeply honored and happy that my works where finally being recognized.

An artists' mind like mine is complicated and unpredictable. I would like to call myself one because honestly I would find myself scribbling letters in the air. Weird things pop out of my head and it's frustrating when you can't release the energy to just create and doodle, scribble and craft.

Believe me i have been dealing with this ever since I was born. I remember drawing paper dolls and dresses in my school paper and notebook. I think every girl in the 90's could relate. I have been keeping this secret of mine for a while since college days when I took up Engineering which by the way paved the way to my curious and analytical mind. I don't know maybe I am just that inquisitive that I like to find answers to all the questions running in my head.

Sometimes I just think that I took up the wrong course. Maybe my heart was just not into it so much. That my heart was in the creative field. That my interest were on designing, creating something with my own bare hands. Maybe I just discovered it now. AND I don't want anyone to dictate. I just wanted to be who I really am. That I am an artist. That I want to express myself and my craft. That I don't need an affirmation from anyone to believe that.

Just maybe nobody truly understands an artist except his works and his creativity. That an artist is unique from another artist and we should not compare. That's the one thing I learned is that. We should never be afraid to be ourselves. To be our own artist.

Let's Get Coloring!

Monday, November 9

5 things you can do with your Mason Jar

Tuesday, January 27

Hi Mommsies!

I hope you had a great weekend.
If you haven't noticed or know yet, I have been recently interested and hooked on DIYs and Rustic Stuff.
I also have been hooked on instagram.

Today, I wanted to share with you some DIY stuffs you can do with your Mason Jars.
I purchased my first mason jar from my office mate for only 150 pesos and I must say, these jars are the bomb. I can use them for cold, hot drinks, salads, and also for my favorite shakes.

1. Mason Jar Cozy - you can create your own cozy as much as I want to but I will post my own DIY cozy next time. This is perfect to  keep your mason jar pretty and also protects your hand from condensed water from cold drinks or shakes as you hold it. Its perfect to keep your warm drink warmer for long periods too.

@sanderandsam (instagram)
2. Mason Jar as Gift - mason jars are perfect for your personalized gifts. Need I say more?

@modern_domestic (instagram

3. Mason Jar Storage - they are the perfect storage buddies for just about anything.

@mason.jars (instagram)

4. Mason Jar Salad - I love healthy foods on my mason jar, and i know you do too.  

@mason.jars (instagram)
5. Mason Jar Detox - It's so refreshing to look at. Just perfect!

I am so excited to try out these cool stuffs on my mason jar. I also love the idea that it is so versatile and so easy to carry and use. Since I am on my cleansing days this year, I am going for the Salad in a Jar DIY and the Cleansing JUICE DIY using my very own versatile Mason Jar. If you wanna know where I purchased my Mason Jar, It is from @monte_jars. Do follow them on instagram. If you are from Cebu, Since they are Cebu Based mason jars seller.

Which DIY stuff do you want to do with your mason jar?

Hope to hear your ideas too..

Take care mommsies! Dont' forget to share this post to your mason lover friends.

Don't forget to Follow me:

The Sewing Machine Anatomy

Wednesday, June 18

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Hi Mommies! you might wonder why. a picture of a sewing machine pops up on your screen.
Well, i will be having a round up of crafting posts here in YMT.

For a quick start, i wanted to show you the sewing machine's anatomy.
Few may know it but, my grandma has been a dressmaker hmmm way back 1960's here in CEBU.
And it has been the family's lifeblood. Our bread and butter.

Sewing machines have been a part of my childhood. And it has brought good memories till now.
I would like to share some of my sewing stories with you. If you want please let me know by leaving your comments down below. =)

Sewing seems difficult but it is easy if you just gave it a try.

Cheers to us!
and let's get crafty.... there is always time to imagine and create.

create. create and create. =)

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