The Sewing Machine Anatomy

Wednesday, June 18

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Hi Mommies! you might wonder why. a picture of a sewing machine pops up on your screen.
Well, i will be having a round up of crafting posts here in YMT.

For a quick start, i wanted to show you the sewing machine's anatomy.
Few may know it but, my grandma has been a dressmaker hmmm way back 1960's here in CEBU.
And it has been the family's lifeblood. Our bread and butter.

Sewing machines have been a part of my childhood. And it has brought good memories till now.
I would like to share some of my sewing stories with you. If you want please let me know by leaving your comments down below. =)

Sewing seems difficult but it is easy if you just gave it a try.

Cheers to us!
and let's get crafty.... there is always time to imagine and create.

create. create and create. =)

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