Mommy Ina Shares

That Strong Earthquake!

Thursday, October 17

Last Monday Tuesday, at exactly 8.12 in the morning, we felt a strong quake shaking from beneath us.
I was with my son, Adi and fiance A outside our little hut in Mandaue when the grounds shook.

At first, I thought my neighbor's son, PJ just shook off our clothesline. It was swinging back and fourth.
then I heard my cousin Ate Lai shouting, the ground was trembling and a sound could be heared from beneath.

It was a morning I could never forget. I was shouting back at Adi and held him closely to me. While we were sitting feeling the earth tremble!

I couldn't believe it was happening but I kept my mind in complete control. I never panicked.
All I was thinking was for my dear neighbors and my family to be safe and could get out of this alive!
I was hearing my uncle shouting 'HOO!!' a tradition to keep the earthquake away.
I can see my mom covering her head and closing her eyes. She was in great fear.

After about 8 minutes or so, the shaking stopped.

I was relieved, I checked out everyone. I was glad we we're all okay.
Except for that little crack on the wall in our sala. Baby Adi was crying, and I was glad I was there to comfort him. It was a holiday and we were all at home.

Thank God! It was a holiday if it were not, I couldn't imagine how everything could have been.

Click Here for some of the evidences of the quakes devastating aftermath =(

Please help and donate:


Tuesday, October 1

Been having a lot of work lately. How ya doin momsies?
I hope you're doin great today.
Lately, I am into having a prob with my digestion. I am a person of slow metabolism, the reason for weight gain and hard to feed tummy often compels me to choose all sorts of food to eat and munch at just about anything. For Obvious reasons, I have bought the following items:

Wheat bread, Pineapple Juice, and mega Fiber!

Yes! Fiber Overload ang diet ko ngayon. =(

I badly need to detoxify. As for once, I have recently overheard from the radio propaganda the ill effects of high toxins in our body. And isa ako dun. Sa nakaka experience na ng symptons.

All over the world, people are becoming ill, sick or even dying because of toxins. Toxins pollute the human body, attack the healthy body and slowly destroy it. After years of storage, the toxins move into body cells and tissues. They ultimately produce such degenerative diseases as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, and others.
The Symptoms:

Common symptoms of excess toxins in the body include: constipation, poor digestion, stomach bloat, insomnia, fatigue, frequent headaches, muscle or joint aches and pains, bad breath, poor memory, poor skin, itching, excess weight, chronic respiratory or sinus problems, coated tongue, depression, weakened immune system and an overall feeling of lethargy.
I swear talagang I AM ONE OF THOSE. so start ako sa journey ko today.
I'm hoping to get good results out of this one.

have you tried this products too?
If so, please let me know.

Whew! What a Saturday!

Saturday, September 21

Good night guys!!!!

How was your Saturday? Saturdates or Just like me staying at home for the whole day except for kanina where I spent time going outside to buy formula milk for Adi. You know, so far I am enjoying my mommy moments with son but this time around it's different. Sobra akong pagod. Nanay is not around kasi to make bantay Adi and help me out. Pero buti na rin at least I can manage to do things on my own and not depend on her for everything. 

Adi has already turned 1 year and today he is already a month ahead of 1st year. My, kakapagod mag-alaga ng bata (toddler) who is already learning how to walk on his own. Yes, you are right, He now manages to walk on his own.

Baka pag may time I'll post some pictures of him walking outside our house. As in grabe, kahit anong bagay na makita kukuhanin niya. Stressful talaga. Ngarag ang show ko. But worth it pa rin!

Sinusulit ko ang time with baby. Yan talaga ang buhay pag working mommy. Bawi bawi din pag may time. =)

Fiance A, works overtime kasi on weekends that is why it is really a tough and challenging day for me.
But i still feel accomplished. At least naka pag laba pa ko. Was able to wash our pillow cases and blankets while baby's taking a nap. 

Whew talaga! this Saturday is the best so far..... na test talaga ang super mom powers ko! 
happy na rin coz bawi bawi din c fiance bukas. Family date and i'm excited makakalabas na rin.. at gala galore!


have a great night guys! tomorrow I'll post our gala gala-pag-may-time photos.

Thanks for reading. God Bless!

I am Against Cyberbullying

Monday, September 16

I just read from yahoo today that a 12 year old girl committed suicide after months of being cyber-bullied.
Her death is the latest in an apparently growing phenomenon of youths driven to taking their own lives after suffering cruel treatment online via text and photo messaging applications. - Yahoo Philippines.

At one point as a mother, it is really inevitable to monitor our kids constantly. As for me, Adi is still a toddler and by the time he grows up, I couldn't imagine having to deal with this kinds of  treatment.

Some ways on how we can safeguard our kids:

( image)

“Cyber bullying” is defined as a young person tormenting, threatening, harassing, or embarrassing another young person using the Internet or other technologies, like cell phones.
The psychological and emotional outcomes of cyber bullying are similar to those of real-life bullying. The difference is, real-life bullying often ends when school ends. For cyber bullying, there is no escape. And, it’s getting worse. Read on to get the facts.
  1. 1. Nearly 43% of kids have been bullied online. 1 in 4 has had it happen more than once.
  1. 2. 70% of students report seeing frequent bullying online.
  1. 3. Over 80% of teens use a cell phone regularly, making it the most common medium for cyber bullying.
  1. 4. 68% of teens agree that cyber bullying is a serious problem.
  1. 5. 81% of young people think bullying online is easier to get away with than bullying in person.
  1. 6. 90% of teens who have seen social-media bullying say they have ignored it. 84% have seen others tell cyber bullies to stop.
  1. 7. Only 1 in 10 victims will inform a parent or trusted adult of their abuse.
  1. 8. Girls are about twice as likely as boys to be victims and perpetrators of cyber bullying.
  1. 9. About 58% of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online. More than 4 out 10 say it has happened more than once.
  1. 10. About 75% have visited a website bashing another student.
  1. 11. Bullying victims are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider committing suicide.

What can you do to help stop cyber bullyiing?

Leave your thoughts!

Till then,

REPOST: TIPS for a Healthier Working Pregnancy

Tuesday, July 17

This is a Repost taken from an online site which I personally used as guide throughout my entire pregnancy. Read on!

There are things you can do to make your working life easier. Few ideas to make  a perfect blend of career and pregnancy include:

# 1 Don't be a superwoman!

Get rest when you are not at work and reduce household chores, especially when approaching the delivery date. Studies show that one and a half hour of extra rest makes a lot of difference; uterine blood flow increases, and the supply of oxygen and other nutrients to your baby improves.

# 2 Relax when possible

If at all possible, lie down on your left side for ten minutes during your lunch break on a floor mat. Else, just rest your head on the table or elevate your feet. Relax your mind and body.

# 3 When exhaustion overtakes you, leave work early

If you are commuting to work using public transportation, don't be afraid to ask for assistance with regards to a seat, if necessary, from the conductor or driver.
# 4 Negotiate a flexible work schedule

Work out a schedule that suits your health. If you suffer from morning sickness, ask about coming in later and ending your workday later. On the other hand if you are an early riser and get tired easily in the afternoon, ask to come in early and end your workday early.

# 5 Telecommute whenever possible

Try and work out such that you can group assignments and attend office 2-3 times a week. The balance days of the week when your presence at the office is not necessary, you can work from home. Another alternative is to work part of the day at the office and part of the day from home but ascertain you are always open for office contact.

# 6 Ask for help

If a project or assignment is causing your health to suffer, speak up to your boss about getting the help of a coworker or even a temp worker to fill in for you. If need be, request the project be reassigned to someone else and take a less stressful assignment.

# 7 Snack - time

To maintain energy levels and to avoid nausea & heartburn (common ailments of pregnancy), stock up a selection of snacks to work and eat something every few hours.

# 8 Pregnancy emergency kit

Keep the kit in your desk drawer. It should contain lemon hard candies to beat nausea, an extra pair of undies or sanitary napkin for incontinence accidents, an Evian face mister for instant cool-offs, and a cache of crackers, pretzels, wafer cookies for snacking.

# 9 Write notes

Maintaining a notebook at all times can offset memory loss in the first trimester. Note down important work reminders. Jot down anything you consider important for you to remember or act on.

# 10 Heroine you are not!

If possible, start your maternity leave a week or 2 prior to your due date to give yourself ample time to rest before the big day.

The Final Word 

You will probably decide on discontinuing work either on your doctor's advice or exhaustion. There are certain guidelines you should follow to minimize health complications that can worsen if you are working.

• If your job is more rigorous in nature entailing heavy lifting, climbing or bending below the waist you should stop work by week 20. But if you have moderate load to tackle with rest periods in between, you can continue working till about week 28. However you should consider giving up your job after conception if you are carrying more than one baby, had a previous miscarriage, or premature birth. Cut back on your work hours if you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes or high blood pressure. Bottom-line: listen
 to your doctor's advice on when to quit your job, how many hours you can afford to put in and the nature of job you can continue with. Don't ignore your doctor's recommendations, no matter what your financial status. 

• If your job requires you to be on your feet all day, you should consider switching to desk job or stopping work beginning in your 24th week. If your job requires you to spend more than 30 minutes out of every hour on your feet, consider shifting to something sedentary by week 32.

Returning to work after baby:

Much of this depends on how you feel and the health of your baby. If all is well then returning to work is a personal choice. Whether you decide to take 3 whole months, less or more, some workday precautions apply as when you were pregnant.

• Avoid fatigue by taking short naps.

• Try to arrange to work from home sometimes.

• Go back part time rather full time until your body readjusts to your previous schedule.

• Push for a flexible work routine in order to accommodate to your baby's needs.

Above all, don't be afraid to enlist your husband's help with household and baby chores. Make certain to visit your doctor for a complete checkup before returning work. Take time out if despite your leave you still feel you need a break.

Till Then,

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