Sexy me

[Sexy Me] Body Combat at Gold's Gym Cebu

Friday, August 15

Hi Mommsies!

You might wonder why there is this thing going on in my blog.
Well, i have signed myself up into this deal with myself that I'll go on and hopefully become a member of the hot mommas out there. just kidding!

Actually, I have started this blog series to motivate myself, to lose all the weight gained after pregnancy with Adi.

If you have been reading my blog, you would know that I delivered via C-section. yes, I went through all the misery and pain. It's like having an LBM/diarrhea/dysmenorrhea type of thing that you think it's not gonna end.

If you are a mom. You will know. Relate? I went through labor for 13 long hours!

But so much of that, now I have moved on.. my scars are still there and the big flab is still hanging on for it's dear life. I tend to lose my self-confidence thinking that I am not good at it. That other moms have long moved and lost those flabs. That they are all again sexy, like nothing ever happened? You know how that feels?
So, this post is all about a promise-to-self-motivating-reason-to-blog post.

Hope you get some ample time to go along with me in this journey.
Let me know if you're also a mom who delivered thru C-section and will maybe share some info in here on my blog. =)

Gold's Gym is one of the renowned gyms I have personally known. Yeah, I don't mean to sound really well-versed with working out. This is my first time to even enroll or be a member. But yeah, I'd like to call it lucky when I bought the metro deal voucher for only 1.4k plus instead of 4k for a month membership.

the sauna, it's a bit blurry.

shower room =)
One of the group exercise classes they offered is the famous BODY COMBAT, unlike ZUMBA it is more of intense workout. More cardio of some sorts. and toning more of the muscles.

i also did a selfie on this part of the gym. oh i wish i could do the weights but due to the operation, i can't

the gym facade =) it's really cozy . plus there's TV too!

group exercise rooms =) right after the body combat is the YOGA. so there some peeps doing the stretching

That's all for now, I failed to take some shots of the threadmill and the octane chuva machine where I did some cardio workout too. But i promise to do a shot next time.

My Progress:
Previous Weight: 138 lbs
Current Weight: 134 lbs

Weight Loss: 4 lbs.

Thanks for reading.. Till my next post!
share me some of your tips?

[SEXY ME] to fitness and beyond...

Monday, June 9

The subject may intrigue you into thinking that I am sexy. But well it doesn't go too well with me right after giving birth last 2012.
so bear with me as i make the intro of this hopefully 60-day weight loss challenge.

Currently, I am 138 lbs.

image source

and I am really hoping to get back that pre-pregnancy bod. ;D

it doesn't have to be really that giddy with it, but i have my own reasons.

First, I want to fit in my old clothes.
Second, I want to promote that healthy lifestyle for my family.
Third, I can't single out the fact that i am already having a hard time moving and getting around the house.
Fourth, it's hard to keep up with a growing ever-energetic baby boy with all the pounds.
Fifth, I need to skip all the unhealthy foods i habitually take in.
Sixth, I am a running enthusiast and i want to be back on track after my Cesarean Operation last 2012.
Seventh, it's never too late to wear a bikini. haha LOL!

to be continued.....

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