Yo Momma Lives

Dear Me: Letter to the 16 year old Me

Sunday, May 4

If you had the opportunity to write to your 16-year-old self, what would you say?

Dear 16 year old Gracina,

I know what you are thinking right at this very moment.
Hmm... I don't even know what to say to you anymore
since you're thinking that you know everything already.

Yes, you are at the Senior year of your highschool life.. yet you are still so 
full of dreams and aspirations for the future yet to come.
Well hey! Don't you worry for I have seen the future! 
I am here. Smiling as I look over you.

High school life is never easy.
But holds a vital part of your life as you grow and become what you 
ought to be...

Thinking about college and the trailing battles ahead is overwhelming.
Don't think too hard!
Think happy thoughts.
Your journal says it all. ^-^

How much you like to take unto having relationships.
Don't rush.
But think about the joy of having to wait for Mr. Right.

What you think about life is not the way it will turn out.
Your heart is vulnerable and not everyone will like you.

Always remember that everyone is gonna hurt you.
You just have to know who is worth all the pain.

Follow your heart and let it guide you.
Trust in the Lord, He will provide and lift you up.

Being a good daughter comes with all sacrifices.
Be the best and never ever give up.

Be the strong person that you should be,
cause everyone is going to depend and look up to you.

Be the greatest big sister that your siblings are going to have.
Although, when you fall be sure to always Learn and Discern.

Love yourself.

As much as i love you.

P.S - just wait till you see your adorable cute lil son's dimples!

Always and forever,

28 year old (chubby face) self - Gracina

Becoming Active

Wednesday, April 30

It is here... the time has come for me and my son to once again explore this crazy world of ours!

Being a working momma for me is very EXCITING and CHALLENGING at the same time.

Exciting in a way that I get to catch every single moment of Baby Adi's growin up moments.
Well, here is me wishing on a STAR. 

I know for sure that I will never ever have that moment,

( not until I quit my 9.6 hours day job) 

Well Baby, momma's not gonna give up yet!

So to more challenges with you, cheers!

More moments to capture and more determination to store.... 

getting giddy up every morning strollin with
his pretty equally adorable cousin Therese =)
ans just when you thought that you can keep up..
Climbing on the table when I was watching a TV program.
Ang Kulit!!!

Son, there will always be memories like this in my heart. 

In my mind and in my tired bod... It's quite tiring to try to keep you behaved and tamed.

But that is just what you are - a pretty little hyper active baby boy indeed!

Thanks for showing me the strength and perseverance i never knew i had in me.

Love lots,



Wednesday, April 23

Hi Mommsies!!!

How was your holy week!
As for our family, we spent the rest of the week in our house in Mandaue City here in Cebu.

I spent time with my son, had chit chats with my mom, sister and aunt Cora.
I guess that should be the most treasured moment of my work life since I get to spend the long weekend with them.

Have you noticed that most of the people are dying to go out and soak on the water? I have read a lot of vacay posts lately be it on instagram, fellow bloggers and some of my "wealthy" facebook friends.

Well, good for them -- they get to spend it splunging on the water. I can't question that action since as you may know, it is SUMMER indeed now in the Philippine Islands.

What can I say? Right?

It is Super Duper HOT!!

The sun is up all the while and I, my partner A and Adi stayed just at our little nest.

Here's what I posted via IG:

Adi with Aunt Cora and Uncle Andres having lunch.. =)
with My Adi #adiislove =) at home

surprised to see my elementary classmate Clint Lumapas
 via @itspatmartinez IG feed. they're in
camotes cebu spending
the Holy week 
Foodie. Biko and Inon-unan =) photo from my  IG @iamracinz

I was still thankful that even if I wasn't able to attend mass and confession, I was able to reflect.
Here's what the Lord is telling me as I read His Words from the Bible: (the Book of Ecclesiastes)

2:17 So I hated life, because the work that is worked under the sun was grievous to me; for all is vanity and a chasing after wind. 2:18 I hated all my labor in which I labored under the sun, because I must leave it to the man who comes after me. 2:19 Who knows whether he will be a wise man or a fool? Yet he will have rule over all of my labor in which I have labored, and in which I have shown myself wise under the sun. This also is vanity.
2:20 Therefore I began to cause my heart to despair concerning all the labor in which I had labored under the sun. 2:21 For there is a man whose labor is with wisdom, with knowledge, and with skillfulness; yet he shall leave it for his portion to a man who has not labored for it. This also is vanity and a great evil. 2:22 For what has a man of all his labor, and of the striving of his heart, in which he labors under the sun? 2:23 For all his days are sorrows, and his travail is grief; yes, even in the night his heart takes no rest. This also is vanity. 2:24 There is nothing better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and make his soul enjoy good in his labor. This also I saw, that it is from the hand of God. 2:25 For who can eat, or who can have enjoyment, more than I? 2:26 For to the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy; but to the sinner he gives travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him who pleases God. This also is vanity and a chasing after wind.
5:1 Guard your steps when you go to God’s house; for to draw near to listen is better than to give the sacrifice of fools, for they don’t know that they do evil. 5:2 Don’t be rash with your mouth, and don’t let your heart be hasty to utter anything before God; for God is in heaven, and you on earth. Therefore let your words be few. 5:3 For as a dream comes with a multitude of cares, so a fool’s speech with a multitude of words. 5:4 When you vow a vow to God, don’t defer to pay it; for he has no pleasure in fools. Pay that which you vow. 5:5 It is better that you should not vow, than that you should vow and not pay. 5:6 Don’t allow your mouth to lead you into sin. Don’t protest before the messenger that this was a mistake. Why should God be angry at your voice, and destroy the work of your hands? 5:7 For in the multitude of dreams there are vanities, as well as in many words: but you must fear God.
5:8 If you see the oppression of the poor, and the violent taking away of justice and righteousness in a district, don’t marvel at the matter: for one official is eyed by a higher one; and there are officials over them. 5:9 Moreover the profit of the earth is for all. The king profits from the field.5:10 He who loves silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he who loves abundance, with increase: this also is vanity. 5:11 When goods increase, those who eat them are increased; and what advantage is there to its owner, except to feast on them with his eyes?
5:12 The sleep of a laboring man is sweet, whether he eats little or much; but the abundance of the rich will not allow him to sleep.

Thanks for reading!
And God Bless us always!
Hope you too had a way better Holy Week =)

Follow me on instagram: @iamracinz
Find other holy week posts using  #HolyWeek2014

The cold Never bothered me anyway!

Wednesday, January 29

I feel this so much.... this movie. the sisterly love. I love the song!
I think that every girl should feel the same way, we don't necessarily need a man to save us.
Here are a few quotes, I'd like to share with you about this wonderful movie, FROZEN.

credits to google for the images

Yolanda. Help Now Wherever and Whenever You Can #YolandaPH

Tuesday, November 12

Last November 8, 2013, Friday was another yet rainy windy day for us.

Yolanda - the super typhoon considered to be the strongest to be ever recorded has finally did landfall.
I can really say that despite the strong winds we were fortunate to have survived and all of us were safe.

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