Struggle Sunday!

Monday, September 23

Hi Mommsies!

Had a very gloomy Sunday. =( Just sad that I have not fulfilled what was expected and planned.
Today September 22 is not a really good day for me. I don't know why no matter how hard we try to make things for at home still there are ups and downs and today, it's a down one. =(

I was hoping for a good stroll at the mall but my body isn't cooperating at all. *sigh* I might as well start retaking vitamins. Can anyone recommend something? I have been taking stresstabs. May alam ba kayong effective na pang anti depressant? Gamot sa mga moody moments? honestly, I don't understand my moodswings. I am thinking maybe it is just because of the side effects from CS operation?

I don't really know. I really want to ask my OB or anyone who has the same experience as mine.

Whew! What a Saturday!

Saturday, September 21

Good night guys!!!!

How was your Saturday? Saturdates or Just like me staying at home for the whole day except for kanina where I spent time going outside to buy formula milk for Adi. You know, so far I am enjoying my mommy moments with son but this time around it's different. Sobra akong pagod. Nanay is not around kasi to make bantay Adi and help me out. Pero buti na rin at least I can manage to do things on my own and not depend on her for everything. 

Adi has already turned 1 year and today he is already a month ahead of 1st year. My, kakapagod mag-alaga ng bata (toddler) who is already learning how to walk on his own. Yes, you are right, He now manages to walk on his own.

Baka pag may time I'll post some pictures of him walking outside our house. As in grabe, kahit anong bagay na makita kukuhanin niya. Stressful talaga. Ngarag ang show ko. But worth it pa rin!

Sinusulit ko ang time with baby. Yan talaga ang buhay pag working mommy. Bawi bawi din pag may time. =)

Fiance A, works overtime kasi on weekends that is why it is really a tough and challenging day for me.
But i still feel accomplished. At least naka pag laba pa ko. Was able to wash our pillow cases and blankets while baby's taking a nap. 

Whew talaga! this Saturday is the best so far..... na test talaga ang super mom powers ko! 
happy na rin coz bawi bawi din c fiance bukas. Family date and i'm excited makakalabas na rin.. at gala galore!


have a great night guys! tomorrow I'll post our gala gala-pag-may-time photos.

Thanks for reading. God Bless!

Certified Mudra: the day i first held Adi

Wednesday, September 18

if you've read my post on my hospital maternity package, here are some of the photos that my fiance A took from the hospital nursery. Some of you may not know it, but i delivered thru CS and at that point i was still having/enduring the pain from my fresh operational wound. the cut that i had was vertical as per opted by my OB-Gyne since as per her it heals easily daw since not much veins are being cut. As much as i want to share my delivery i would choose to share it next time. *wink* but for now, here are some photos of my baby adi: 
Born: Aug 03, 2012 at 6 lbs via CS section, 7:03 pm

My Baby Adi still at his 1st week (August 2012)

Pictures were taken at the PSH nursery, he stayed there for a week to cure the Urinary Tract Infection that he got while I gave birth to him.

Those were our first bonding moments together. Once in a lifetime experience that I will truly cherish for the rest of my life.

FOTD: my no makeup Makeup Look!

Hi there loves!
I hope you are having a great day today. As for me, not so... you know i've been really trying to get rid of my belly fats post pregnancy. controlling my food intake is not easy. just this morning, i am having nausea. =(
so sad. i don't feel like knowing my body any more. i don't know if it has to do with oatmeal or milk that i am eating constantly as for the weekdays lunch. if you have any idea about this please let me know. =)

today, i will be posting my fotd. =) yey! well, im suddenly vain today. haha. so, please try to bear with me.
i'm also gonna be doing this on my blog so i'm quite hopeful that you (my readers/followers) would like this.(?) (if not-please feel free to message me at twitter @iamracinz. or leave me a message at the comment box down below this post. =)

are you ready? =) here we go......

i hope you like this no makeup makeup look of mine.
feel free to comment!
Have a great day ahead. ♥

See you on my next post.

I am Against Cyberbullying

Monday, September 16

I just read from yahoo today that a 12 year old girl committed suicide after months of being cyber-bullied.
Her death is the latest in an apparently growing phenomenon of youths driven to taking their own lives after suffering cruel treatment online via text and photo messaging applications. - Yahoo Philippines.

At one point as a mother, it is really inevitable to monitor our kids constantly. As for me, Adi is still a toddler and by the time he grows up, I couldn't imagine having to deal with this kinds of  treatment.

Some ways on how we can safeguard our kids:

( image)

“Cyber bullying” is defined as a young person tormenting, threatening, harassing, or embarrassing another young person using the Internet or other technologies, like cell phones.
The psychological and emotional outcomes of cyber bullying are similar to those of real-life bullying. The difference is, real-life bullying often ends when school ends. For cyber bullying, there is no escape. And, it’s getting worse. Read on to get the facts.
  1. 1. Nearly 43% of kids have been bullied online. 1 in 4 has had it happen more than once.
  1. 2. 70% of students report seeing frequent bullying online.
  1. 3. Over 80% of teens use a cell phone regularly, making it the most common medium for cyber bullying.
  1. 4. 68% of teens agree that cyber bullying is a serious problem.
  1. 5. 81% of young people think bullying online is easier to get away with than bullying in person.
  1. 6. 90% of teens who have seen social-media bullying say they have ignored it. 84% have seen others tell cyber bullies to stop.
  1. 7. Only 1 in 10 victims will inform a parent or trusted adult of their abuse.
  1. 8. Girls are about twice as likely as boys to be victims and perpetrators of cyber bullying.
  1. 9. About 58% of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online. More than 4 out 10 say it has happened more than once.
  1. 10. About 75% have visited a website bashing another student.
  1. 11. Bullying victims are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider committing suicide.

What can you do to help stop cyber bullyiing?

Leave your thoughts!

Till then,

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