Happy Friday!

Friday, May 27

It's official my longing for summer trips to the beach with family is over.
I can only imagine being under the sun and soaking my head off. But it is so tragic to bask and maybe get heat stroked. Climate change is sad. Summer is not for everyone anymore. By the way, Ami is getting bigger and heavier each day which makes motherhood really cool. She's a really carefree and calm child unlike Adi before. She sleeps soundly and seems to like thumb sucking which for me is not so good.

We've been indoors lately but we are having so much fun. With selfies. 😀😁
#prankcam like these are our bonding moments.

And oh, I have been on Sari Sari Store business recently last March. I find it a good way to stretch the husband's money and also for us to get our stocks and  supplies readily at home. I have enjoyed selling so much more. But I can only restock with the help of my mom since I cant go to shop yet due to my nervous attacks, im not sure what to call it but it is kabuhi in Bisaya. 😉

June is fast approaching and it's rainy season here in the Tropics. I would be busy preparing for Adi's birthday this coming August. I suddenly came across this picture of his birthday cake at Jollibee for his 2nd birthday last 2014 and I will miss having to celebrate and having a kiddie party. My fingers are crossed my DIY party goes well. Im searching for party themes over on pinterest. So, im quite excited and praying also for good health and blessings for him, our Ami and my husband A.

I'll talk to you soonest! 😘


Go Basic with the Basics Collection from Zero Three Two

Great news to all fashionista moms out there!
The clamor for Basic for Zero Three Two basic shirts were heard.
The clothing and media company based in Cebu has released their Basics Collection and comes with four designs.

Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 8


It's been a quite a journey for me guys. As I recall the moments, and all the mommy posts i made in this blog, I could only imagine the joys, sorrows, moments of doubt and terrible stress and doses of happiness motherhood has brought me.

True. Motherhood changed my whole life, what with the two misfits but still I know we will make it through.

I never thought being a mom is the greatest thing that could happen to me. I have never been my best when I became one.

To all moms out there and my mom readers, thanks for the love.
Cheers to us! Please enjoy this is our day!

Hustling once more.

Hugs and Kisses!
From me Adi and Ami

Being a Mother is learning about the Strengths you didn't know you had, and dealing with Fears you didn't know existed. - Linda Wooten

Our Baby Girl's Baptism

Thursday, April 28

LORD, We bring this miracle to you
so fresh from HEAVEN
and ask that you would hear our PRAYERS
and share our JOY for this day

into this tiny heart
and wrap your loving arms around
May your GRACE freely shine
into this precious LIFE.
and in all the days ahead,
let this heart rejoice in loving
as your own FORGIVEN CHILD.

As we were BAPTIZED,
so we profess our BELIEF.
As we profess our belief, 
so also we offer PRAISE.

As then BAPTISM has been given us
by our SAVIOR, 
in the name of the FATHER, 
and of the SON,
and of the HOLY GHOST

So, in accordance with our Baptism,

We make the Confession of the CREED, 
and our DOXOLOGY 
in Accordance with our LORD.


Natural Living: Surviving Summer the Natural Way

Sunday, April 17

I know how you feel mommies. Really we are going through one of the most hottest days ever. Literally, it is like boiling water hot these days from where I live. Just Last March 12, I collapsed when I tried to balance myself from getting tripped off.

It was also very humid that day that when Adi and I went from buying some grocery items for our little sari sari store, i fell down as in like plunking down. My whole body crashed on the ground like a sack of rice. It went like that mom jumped off from her seat and papa to help me. I didn't know what happened. The last thing on my mind was oh God I am going to fall down now and I cant stop it.

the proof:
The aftermath: Wounds all over. Thanks to the Aloe Vera my wounds are now completely healed.
Here are some things you can do during these days.
1. Plant. and water them. Useful water can be waste water from your laundry. They serve as supplement to plants like Banana and Kangkong which are very water dependent. Aside that theses plants provide food, they provide oxygen. Start planting a garden will save you time from going to the market and money.
2. Wash your dishes outside. It is simple, used water from washing your dishes and kitchen wares can be used for sprinkling on your front yard or back yard too. Get the land hydrated. To keep water from circulating. 
3. Look ridiculous and wear sunglasses while doing the laundry. PROTECT your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun or do the laundry while its not too sunny. I do my laundry in the afternoon, just when the sunshine is at its low point at about 4 or 5 pm.
That's about it. Don't forget to stay hydrated and when it's sunny better take shade, lucky us there are trees and cool fresh air from the yard. 
But still, we take precautions. The hard part of the days are when we can't go out to buy food, so when the afternoon strikes we hoard and buy at the nearby market. It's also good to eat healthy and maintain it. 
Start wearing loose pieces of clothes are a great help too. 
Climate change is real guys. Stay educated and ready against the summer heat. 
Conserve Energy and WATER!


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