Repost: Make up Do's And Dont's

Monday, November 26

(VoistMagazine) Would you shake someone’s hand after just witnessing them dig up their nose? How about touching a door knob after someone sneezed then touched the knob with their germy hand? Or put your chip in the party sauce that a stranger in front of you double dipped into? Of course you wouldn’t, unless you want to end up with a cold or some kind of harmful bacterial infection.
What about sharing makeup: You run out of mascara as you’re getting ready for a party, photo shoot or just a girls’ night at home, would you use your friend’s? Sure why not, it’s harmless… isn’t it?
Absolutely NOT! The truth is, makeup (especially eye makeup like mascara) can harbor harmful bacteria and cause infection if it is not properly stored and used, especially if kept passed its expiration date.

When you think about it, the face is one of the most sensitive areas on your body so it only makes sense that you take extra precautions when caring for it. Think to yourself, how often do you change or replace your makeup and applicators? Some of you probably can’t even recall the last time you bought new makeup. Many women’s line of thinking is “Well I still have half a bottle of this foundation left, why would I throw it away?!” or “I’m the only one using this applicator, so what does it make how many times I use it?!” I’ll tell you why, because practicing sanitary habits when handling makeup are imperative due to pathogenic bacteria which are harmful and produce diseases. The longer you keep the makeup the more germs and bacteria will contaminate the bottle and the makeup itself providing more opportunity for you to be infected with things like Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, a bacteria capable of causing organ failure, Conjunctivitis (pink eye) and Staphylococcus Aureus which can cause dermatitis.
How many times have you fallen asleep with a face full of makeup and think “Oh, I’ll just wash it off in the morning…no harm in that…” WRONG! All the dirt and germs that you encountered throughout the day festers on your face while you sleep. If you have foundation or concealer on, it will clog your pores making it difficult for your skin to breathe which creates an environment for bacteria to cause infection. So the next time you come in from a long day at work or ripping the runway, be sure to wash your face thoroughly to prevent acne causing bacteria and other infections.
Back to the “double dipping” scenario, the same way you wouldn’t eat after a double dipper is the same way you should treat your makeup applicators. How many times have you dipped your mascara wand into the container, then applied the makeup and repeated that action? More than likely you’ve done it more than once, right? Well that’s the same as eating after the double dipper at the party; each time you dip the wand into the mascara or pat the brush in the powder you are contaminating it with germs. To prevent this from happening you should use a new disposable wand for mascara each time you apply it and for other applicators you should wash and thoroughly sterilize them before usage.
It goes without saying that it is imperative for makeup artist who deal with several clients at events like fashion shows or for actors on theatrical and movie sets to take precautions as other people’s health lie in their hands. It would not be good for business for the beautiful models and actresses to wake up the next morning with a very unappealing infection of the eye.
Here are some ways to sanitize and sterilize makeup along with guidelines on how long makeup should be kept and used:
• Keep your brushes and applicators are sanitary. Wash the makeup residue and oil from brushes regularly by adding a few drops of baby shampoo to the palm of your hand, wetting the brush and swirling it around in the soap until no makeup washes out. Foam applicators or sponges can be dipped into soapy water and squeezed gently until no makeup emerges. Rinse all of the makeup tools well and allow to air dry.
• Be particularly careful with products that you use on or near your eyes. Mascara should only be used for two months or replaced even sooner if its color or smell begins to change. If you’ve had an eye infection or cold, for example, you should buy new eye makeup immediately, especially mascara.
• You should replace solid, stick-type makeup at least once a year, particularly if it’s a stick concealer or foundation product that you’ve applied on blemishes. Buy new liquid makeup like foundation, every six months because it’s easier for bacteria to build up in the bottle. It’s also important to only touch the bottle with a clean makeup brush or applicator as oppose to using your fingertip to minimize germs.
• Pencil-type makeup (like eyeliners and lip liners) should be changed every six months. As an extra precaution, you may want to replace your sharpeners regularly because they are difficult to clean and can also harbor germs.
• Change powder-type makeup such as mineral makeup, powder or blush every year to avoid bacteria build up. The exception to this rule is eyeshadow, which should be replaced sooner since it’s used close to the sensitive eye area.
If your eye becomes infected by expired or contaminated makeup here are some tips for treatment:
• Since bacterial infections are highly contagious, it is important to seek medical attention early.
• You will be prescribed antibiotics drops and should notice signs of improvement after a couple of days.
• To ease the discomfort of an eye infection, apply a cold or warm compress for 5-10 minutes onto closed eyes, three to four times a day.
• Always be sure to wash your hands thoroughly and do not share towels and linens in order to prevent infecting others.
• If you wear contacts, remove them until the infection has cleared.
• Wash your hands every time after you touch your eye.
reposted from



  1. hello thanks for droppin by my blog...
    hope you can grow your blog soon, so that there will more of us Cebuana Beauty bloggers here.

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  2. Everything I read here is so true!! I actually wear graded contacts so I take extra good care of my eyes and I'm cautious on picking eye liners, mascaras and eye shadows :) Thanks for this article Graxa! :)

    Infinite Elegance

  3. I never share my makeup i just think it's gross and i can never go to sleep with makeup on! Great post btw :)xx

  4. Hi Miss Hollie - it is my honor that you followed this blog of mine, yes i hope to grow my blog by then i am still honing my skills in makeup :)

    Hi barbie! - i am glad i helped you with this post.
    I also learned a lot from this article myself :) thanks for the visit.

    Hello Ashley! - thanks for visiting my blog! do you have any blogger account so i can follow you too?

    Thanks ladies! this makes my day! :)

  5. very informative..nice post!

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  6. Wow this was really helpful, thanks for the tips! I have been guilty multiple times of wearing my make-up to bed and having to suffer the consequences the day after.

    Oh and ladies don't forget about testers at any make-up counters. I have heard so many horror stories from women breaking out or getting eye infections from trying out testers. Remember, you don't know how many faces those products have touched and what kind of bacteria they might be harboring. I like that in MAC counters they sanitize their lipsticks with alcohol before you try the colors on your lips and always hand you disposable wands when trying out their mascaras.

    By the way, could you recommend a decent, affordable brush cleanser? I deep clean my brushes with baby shampoo almost everyday but I need something that would instantly clean my eye shadow brushes and dry out fast enough so I can use right them after.


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