
shameless FOTD + Current Skincare

Wednesday, June 4

hi momsies! pardon for this shameless post. 
i missed blogging about my current skin care, i brought two products yesterday for me to try out, 
really i think i deserve this self love due to the fact that i haven't had enough sleep.

i needed a break. 
and some skin care routine for my haggard face.

i have with me now the clean and clear compact powder, i love that it is only 170 pesos. 
for olay it is roughly 190 pesos.
i think this would get me a long way. wouldn't be bad to try this out and see what effect it has on
my oily face. =)

my current products to try out: OLAY face lotion and Clean and Clear Oil Control Powder

the sponge is a plus for me 

closer look

and of course, the face using these two products:

another angle

how do you find my fotd?
i hope to get favorable results on about a week or two using these products: stay tuned for my detailed review.

View my previous SKIN CARE ROUTINES.

have a great day momsies! and thanks for reading... ♥

Eye Makeup: Florals

Friday, December 6


Chic Cosmetics E/S palette 

Please comment down below. I'd love to hear your thoughts! =)

FOTD: my no makeup Makeup Look!

Wednesday, September 18

Hi there loves!
I hope you are having a great day today. As for me, not so... you know i've been really trying to get rid of my belly fats post pregnancy. controlling my food intake is not easy. just this morning, i am having nausea. =(
so sad. i don't feel like knowing my body any more. i don't know if it has to do with oatmeal or milk that i am eating constantly as for the weekdays lunch. if you have any idea about this please let me know. =)

today, i will be posting my fotd. =) yey! well, im suddenly vain today. haha. so, please try to bear with me.
i'm also gonna be doing this on my blog so i'm quite hopeful that you (my readers/followers) would like this.(?) (if not-please feel free to message me at twitter @iamracinz. or leave me a message at the comment box down below this post. =)

are you ready? =) here we go......

i hope you like this no makeup makeup look of mine.
feel free to comment!
Have a great day ahead. ♥

See you on my next post.

LOTD (Lipstick of the Day): Ever Bilena Matte Lipstick in Love That Red

Thursday, May 23

I have been using Ever Bilena Lipsticks for a month now. The matte lipsticks have really got me hooked since the day I heard the matte lipstick line.
Ever since I got into the world of beauty blogging, I wanted to try out some really good products out there in the market. I am in search for affordable ones but one that does not put it off quality wise.

i love matte lipsticks, if you haven’t noticed i am into matte lipsticks lately since i have oily skin and putting it on does not add on the shine i have on my face. Lol :-D .
good thing i found ever bilena in love that red. it is the my go to lippie for those stressful days and moments in the office.
here is a closer look at the product:

what i like:
  • affordable (for only 155 pesos)
  • good color pay off for a matte lipstick (really red)
  • easy to apply and glide on the lips
what i don’t like:
  • packaging (aesthetically wise not so girly looking) :-D
  • dries off easily :-(
  • does not last long you may need to reapply
  • blots, stains on my coffee mug used in the office
My over all rating: 3 out 5
so far i am loving this lipstick. it transforms my look with just one application without being too quirky. =)
you may grab one at the stores near you or you may visit Ever Bilena on facebook and like their facebook page for their product updates and promos.
how about you? have you tried this lipstick too?
do leave your comments. :-)

LOTD (Lipstick of the Day): Ever Bilena Matte Lipstick in Off Beat Pink

My second of the 12 lipsticks for my lipstick of the day posts for Ever Bilena matte lipstick is today as you can see.  I have been using this lipstck for two weeks now. Amongst the 12 colors, this one is what i liked best!
roflbot (1)

I got this lipstick as part of the complete set of matte lipstick – my prize for winning the contest hosted by Ever Bilena. The minute i held this baby and put on some on my lips was bliss! i love the color and the hue of pink on it. really what the name tells – “off beat”.

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