
Happy Weekends!

Monday, June 27

Hi friends! How's the going?I hope you got an awesome Monday. Last weekend with the family, we get to spend a little more time and I am really happy with it. Our Ameila has been growing fast. So i took a picture of her with this fabric that I got. I love the design and I thought of taking a picture of her on it. The husband was away on Saturday the whole day since he was out for OT. Washing clothes. Doing the laundry. Cleaning the house. On Sunday, they get to bond with Adi and I watched The Huntsman Winters war. Guess what? I loved the cinematography and the story too.
 That's the photo. Not bad. With good lighting and a smartphone I can already take well decent pictures.  Hashtag HappyDance! I immediately uploaded the same on my instagram account. With the hashtags

Natural Living: Surviving Summer the Natural Way

Sunday, April 17

I know how you feel mommies. Really we are going through one of the most hottest days ever. Literally, it is like boiling water hot these days from where I live. Just Last March 12, I collapsed when I tried to balance myself from getting tripped off.

It was also very humid that day that when Adi and I went from buying some grocery items for our little sari sari store, i fell down as in like plunking down. My whole body crashed on the ground like a sack of rice. It went like that mom jumped off from her seat and papa to help me. I didn't know what happened. The last thing on my mind was oh God I am going to fall down now and I cant stop it.

the proof:
The aftermath: Wounds all over. Thanks to the Aloe Vera my wounds are now completely healed.
Here are some things you can do during these days.
1. Plant. and water them. Useful water can be waste water from your laundry. They serve as supplement to plants like Banana and Kangkong which are very water dependent. Aside that theses plants provide food, they provide oxygen. Start planting a garden will save you time from going to the market and money.
2. Wash your dishes outside. It is simple, used water from washing your dishes and kitchen wares can be used for sprinkling on your front yard or back yard too. Get the land hydrated. To keep water from circulating. 
3. Look ridiculous and wear sunglasses while doing the laundry. PROTECT your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun or do the laundry while its not too sunny. I do my laundry in the afternoon, just when the sunshine is at its low point at about 4 or 5 pm.
That's about it. Don't forget to stay hydrated and when it's sunny better take shade, lucky us there are trees and cool fresh air from the yard. 
But still, we take precautions. The hard part of the days are when we can't go out to buy food, so when the afternoon strikes we hoard and buy at the nearby market. It's also good to eat healthy and maintain it. 
Start wearing loose pieces of clothes are a great help too. 
Climate change is real guys. Stay educated and ready against the summer heat. 
Conserve Energy and WATER!


3 Things: The "then" Working Nanay that was Me

Sunday, March 27

Happy Easter All! It's been ridiculously 3 months since I left my day job. And boy oh boy I miss the things I loved at work.

my work station. i miss the pics on my shelf too
First off, you might be wondering about why these 3-thingy, I'd like to showcase a list of three things I find amusing, useful or memorable for the week, day or anytime of my freaking awesome life (just kidding) but yeah, 3 things to remember maybe on this blog. So, off the sail I go and start with this random shots from work.

I've said this over and over that it is been my decision to leave my job and be a stay-at-home mom or maybe in a couple of months be a work-at-home mom, but one can't deny the perks of working in an office aside from the comfy chairs and cool aircon (hehe)

 I really love to dress up and put on makeup. So there, I miss my (1.) freaking lipsticks! and maybe my cubicle but really they are the lipsticks in there girl. I know!(I don't know where they are now since this photo was taken like over a year ago). If you are a working mom like me who spends most time in front of a PC, it's my way of bringing life to my pale look. so hashtag lipstick, hashtag LOTD (lipstick of the day) was my thing way back then. lol! I guess, it was my weapon of confidence that I only stopped putting it on when I had my second baby.

i love this scarves to death. i got them at a thrift store here in Cebu

I suddenly miss wearing scarves, of course I can't wear (2.) scarves at home. It's a tropical country and most of the time it's 36 to 39 degrees Celsius from where I live. So, slash the scarves. I remember they were my sort of armor against the cold Conference Rooms, Training Rooms or whatever-rooms include the whatever-corporate situations you find me in. They are there. but not most of the time. Aside that they are comfort, they are a statement. I never knew dressing up was my thing before. I just was simply influenced but I miss wearing them on.

the coffee by the boss. some perks from working

Working is never complete without a shot of hot or cold (3.) Coffee, it just perks you up.

There are a lot of things to miss especially the trainings from which  I can only get from my very awesome day job. I have the best boss and job which I really love I just don't miss these things though: office politics, the toxic co-workers, tight deadlines and missed accuracy or call-outs.

There is always a bad in the good and good in the bad. We just have to learn to live the hell out of it to just SURVIVE. There are a lot of realizations yes. I guess I'll have another chance to do that in my next 3-things-post.


Life Lately and Welcoming Baby Ami!

Saturday, February 6

Hi there!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin After a long hiatus, I am finally writing again, on my husband's laptop.
It's been a long time since my last updated post, so yeah I have got a lot of things to talk about but I'll just let this moment sink in first off.

If you guys noticed, I left my day job and now focusing on my two little ones.
Mind you it was not an easy transition.
I left my job without much savings cause yeah most of my money went to my maternity expenses. The hubby also was not at ease at first and we had a few adjustments made on the first few days.

The whole 3rd week of December last year was a bit of a relaxation moment, I can say that at last after many years I can take this time off from the bustling busy corporate world to focus on myself being a breadwinner for almost five years, [ thanks to my sister and brother who have taken that responsibility as I am already married and having my own little family to feed and care for.]

So what have I been doing lately?
I have a lot of time now which is a good thing but the downside to it is sometimes, I don't know what to do with the time. Aside from watching and replaying Pia Wurtzbachs' videos on the winning the Miss Universe, I stare blankly at the walls. just kidding. I do some planning now which is more effective especially with the growing awesome community of creative planners here in the PH.

How do I keep up with blogging?
Not much, actually with the new baby it's challenging with the changing baby schedules. Having a personal journal actually helps. There are a lot of really awesome journal enthusiasts out there too but I personally like Mich of Seaweed Kisses. Visit her blog for some journaling ideas and inspirations.

How do I see the year ahead? Your Plans?
I have a lot in mind but there is one thing I really want to focus on, which is of course my kids Adi and Baby Ami. I also plan to take this year as a learn-something-new year, Hopefully to hone my skills in crafting if not in creating some awesome dishes for my family. Running a small business and also still making time for blogging.

And oh yeah, by the way, say hello to my Cutie Patootie.. Ami =)

She's sleeping but More updates soonest, I will have to doze myself off....
If you are on instagram please follow me @shesgraz..

Thanks and have a great weekend!


My God Speaks to Me: Why I should read the Bible

Thursday, October 23

photo taken during my stay at Creekside Hotel in Makati

This is my new series here in Yo Momma. God Speaks to me.
I have been living on Earth for already 28 years to be exact, and I am raised by Catholic Parents.
Being in Cebu my whole life has been a blessing, I would like to call it.

Cebuanos are very religious people.
We go to church on Sundays, and celebrate fiestas of our Patron Saints. Evident in those is the Sinulog,
the grandest festival in the Philippines.

Being a Cebuano always reflects being a good Christian , following Christ teachings and being able to show it to others. Being able to share it with the rest of the world.

As a working mom, I often feel the need to hear God's words. I feel the need to reflect and heed his purpose for me. I am not a perfect person. If I tell you all the mistakes I have committed, It would sure take up most of your time reading and perhaps doing it on another blog.

When we seek to enjoy communion with the Lord — and not to be led astray by the ambiguities of religious experience — we read the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, God’s words and God’s deeds reveal God himself for our knowledge and our enjoyment. Of course, it is possible to read the Bible without enjoying communion with God. We must seek to understand the Bible’s meaning, and we must pause to contemplate what we understand and, by the Spirit, to feel and express the appropriate response of the heart.
God communicates with us in many ways through the Bible and seeks the response of our communion with him.
  • If God indicts us (2 Cor. 7:8–10), we respond to him with sorrow and repentance.
  • If he commends us (Ps. 18:19–20), we respond to him with humble gratitude and joy.
  • If he commands us to do something (Matt. 28:19–20), we look to him for strength and resolve to obey with his help.
  • If he makes a promise (Heb. 13:5–6), we marvel at his grace and trust him to do what he says.
  • If he warns us of some danger (Luke 21:34), we take him seriously and watch with a thankful sense of his presence and protection.
  • If he describes something about himself (Isa. 46:9–11), his Son (Mark 1:11), or his Holy Spirit (John 16:13–14), we affirm it and admire it and pray for clearer eyes to see and enjoy his greatness and beauty.2
Reading the Bible from cover to cover in 2013 is a noble goal. And it’s a goal that positions us well to commune with God. Keep communion as your aim, and remember the words of Scripture are there for us to know God’s heart, to commune with the Living Christ, and to respond appropriately to his beauty and to his voice. 
Bible reading is meant to deepen our personal relationship with Christ.

Has God spoken to you today? Tell me your thoughts.

Stay Blessed mommsies!
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