Mommy Ina Eats
Cebu City, Philippines

FOOD TRIPS: Rodeo Grill

Saturday, November 10

It was yet another day of celebration right before the long weekend hits, our team took the time off for lunch out at Rodeo Grill, home of great barbeque and sizzlers.

If you're into grilled foods and for a cowboy meal Rodeo Grill is the right place for you. Located along Archbishop Reyes Avenue (between Isuzu and Hotel Elizabeth).

Food Trips: Matsu Yakiniku

Thursday, October 25

It is October and our team decided to have our dinner out at Yakiniku Restaurant. It is a Japanese Restaurant which serves Japanese cuisines.

If you are into Japanese food, one good place to go is Yakiniku Restaurant located along Pacific Square Building, F. Cabahug St., Mabolo Cebu City

They serve great tasting food plus you get the chance to cook the food at the grill. Their specialty is the Angus Beef. The meat is so tender plus the taste is unique.

MAGNUM: My First Bite

Tuesday, July 10

First saw this product being so popular on twitter by some celebrity I was following. Pictures on instagram always keeps me wondering what this ice cream sort of tastes or differ from the ones already out in the market. I'm a huge fan of Cornetto which I believe right now is a big no-no for me, being pregnant can give you those unsightly feelings of craving no one else could ever put out upon but believe me I ate this one and gave my first bite as soon as one of my office mates brought one during the baby shower they gave me.. hehe. Now that's a certified cheat day, huh? no to sweets but then I consumed it all. As far as my tastebuds are concern, this Magnum in almond is just about the same taste of chocolate one can get on the affordable ones out there. Mind you these choco indulgence thingy is a bit pricey and can already by you two sets of Cornetto at your own flavor of choice. So, then it was free given by my officemate which make it more delictable and enticing to eat. hehe... For the purpose of this blog I came out with some photos of it as a proof .. :) Take a look.

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