Yo Momma Giveaways

Yo Momma's Summer Ready Giveaway!

Sunday, April 26

Hi Mommsies!

How is your weekend?
Can you feel the heat of the summer already?
Well guess what, there is a giveaway coming right up?
Who wants to join these items?
They are up for grabs?
Wanna know how?

Read on mommsies, I am very excited to be able to giveaway these to one lucky Yo Momma In The Tropics Follower/Reader. =)
One Lucky Reader will win the following items:
  • White Result Gigawhite Lotion
  • Bath and Body Works (sunset by the pool) Body Spray - Which smells perfect by the way 
  • Two packs of Face Masks to moisturize and hydrate your face
  • Avon Simply Pretty Lippie (RED) 

Join the giveaway by filling out the RAFFLECOPTER LINK BELOW:
Giveaway runs today April 27, 2015 until June 15,2015 12mn and is open to Philippine Residents Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

One winner will be picked and visit my blog as the giveaway ends. I will announce the winner in my instagram account, Twitter and Facebook page.

Be sure to visit Yo Momma In The Tropics for updates and to enter your entries.
The More Entries, the more chances of winning!

Good Luck to everyone!!!

Be YMT's Reader of the Month!

Tuesday, June 10

hello to you avid YMT reader:

YMT is now launching its VERY FIRST ROM (READER OF THE MONTH)..

You heard, I mean you read it right!

As a way of giving back to all YMT  readers, I will be giving out items just random ones each month to my beloved readers and followers. =)

Thank you for your constant support and for taking time to read my humble blog, YMT.

All (Philippine-Residents) are very much welcome to come and participate.

Since, this is my first time and i still have not gained a lot of sponsors as of the moment,
pagtiyagaan nyo muna itong humble kung mga giveaways. =)

I will be giving out more hopefully.... (fingers crossed)

This month's Reader will be getting these lovely items:

For you to qualify, please read the below:

1. Must be a follower via Facebook, Bloglovin and Google +.
2. Should give quality comments (suggestions, opinions, thoughts, etc) here on YMT or of my social networking sites like facebook and twitter instagram and bloglovin.
3. Share this post via Facebook, Twitter and Google +.

So, what are you waiting for? Keep those comments coming.
Join na ha! Good Luck.


Reviews: Blossom Korea Highlighter

Friday, December 6

Blossom Cosmetics Highlighter 
Highlighter is a product that can completely change your beauty look. If applied correctly, it gives you that glowing look where people can't place what's different, just that you look amazing. When you’re choosing a highlighter you have to think about your skin tone; if you have very sallow skin, pink toned highlighters are going to stick out, but if you have very pale skin pink tones are perfect. The goal when applying highlighter is to get a reflective dewy look that makes you look like you just moisturized your skin. You don’t want to be shiny or glittery, so try some on the back of your hand when you’re at the store and blend well. If the product gives your skin a slight sheen you’ve got it right, if you look covered in glitter or sickly, try again. source: TFS
The back part of the product packaging with the directions. Below are some swatches!
A video of Ana Victorino tutorial using the product.

Verdict: Love - i love that it is just so affordable and that you can use it for the face to give that instant glow.
the product sits on very well on the face and can be worn for longer periods. perfect for parties and events.

Have you tried this product too?
please leave your comments down below.

75 Subscribers Giveaway Winner

Tuesday, April 30

Hi Lovelies! Great day to all! Today, I will be announcing the winner of my first ever giveaway. =)
Thank you to all who have joined my giveaway. Do stay tuned for more giveaways here on island girl adventures. =)

And without much ado.................... Drum roll pls.................

The winner is......

Congratulations!!!! =)

You may email me your COMPLETE NAME, AGE, ADDRESS at racinz07@gmail.com within 3 days.
If you fail however, I will be picking another winner for this giveaway. So email me now... or tweet me @iamracinz.

Enjoy your prizes.... ♥

Till my next giveaway!


75 Subscribers Giveaway

Monday, April 15

Hi lovelies!

My simple blog has reached 75 subscribers!! Hurray!!  and with that, I'd like to give back to all my loyal readers and followers, I am giving a simple token of appreciation to everyone. Yey! so cool!

One (1) lucky winner will be selected and will win this items!

This will run from April 15 to April 30, 2013. The lucky Winner will be announce this coming May.
Giveaway is open to Philippine residents only.

To qualify, enter here via Rafflecopter and follow the instructions: =)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So, what are you waitin for? Join this giveaway and win this cool prizes!

P.S. Items used in this giveaway was bought by the author of this blog. 
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