
75 Subscribers Giveaway Winner

Tuesday, April 30

Hi Lovelies! Great day to all! Today, I will be announcing the winner of my first ever giveaway. =)
Thank you to all who have joined my giveaway. Do stay tuned for more giveaways here on island girl adventures. =)

And without much ado.................... Drum roll pls.................

The winner is......

Congratulations!!!! =)

You may email me your COMPLETE NAME, AGE, ADDRESS at within 3 days.
If you fail however, I will be picking another winner for this giveaway. So email me now... or tweet me @iamracinz.

Enjoy your prizes.... ♥

Till my next giveaway!


75 Subscribers Giveaway

Monday, April 15

Hi lovelies!

My simple blog has reached 75 subscribers!! Hurray!!  and with that, I'd like to give back to all my loyal readers and followers, I am giving a simple token of appreciation to everyone. Yey! so cool!

One (1) lucky winner will be selected and will win this items!

This will run from April 15 to April 30, 2013. The lucky Winner will be announce this coming May.
Giveaway is open to Philippine residents only.

To qualify, enter here via Rafflecopter and follow the instructions: =)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So, what are you waitin for? Join this giveaway and win this cool prizes!

P.S. Items used in this giveaway was bought by the author of this blog. 

simprilcity is having a giveaway!

Wednesday, November 21

click the image below to know how to join!

Good Luck!

© Nanay Kikay. Design by Fearne.