It's Amazing what make up can Do: A Makeover 101 at Watsons Ayala

Monday, November 26

It's Amazing really what make up can do. I was strolling by Ayala to get some cute umbrellas for the rainy season. But see what I found, myself at watsons for their great make up sale... =)

I was really hooking for the lipstick grab since I am out of stock nowadays since I gave birth to my baby boy last August. I just came back from work mid October so what can I say, i was having that "losyang" image right then and there and I just need some makeover. 

A picture taken right before the make over. =) Sooo.... ngarag! hehehe LOL!
Forgive me about the outfit, as I am really probing the losyang look. XD grin.

Repost: Make up Do's And Dont's

(VoistMagazine) Would you shake someone’s hand after just witnessing them dig up their nose? How about touching a door knob after someone sneezed then touched the knob with their germy hand? Or put your chip in the party sauce that a stranger in front of you double dipped into? Of course you wouldn’t, unless you want to end up with a cold or some kind of harmful bacterial infection.
What about sharing makeup: You run out of mascara as you’re getting ready for a party, photo shoot or just a girls’ night at home, would you use your friend’s? Sure why not, it’s harmless… isn’t it?
Absolutely NOT! The truth is, makeup (especially eye makeup like mascara) can harbor harmful bacteria and cause infection if it is not properly stored and used, especially if kept passed its expiration date.

Review: Onyx Tri Lipgloss by AVON

Friday, November 23

Hi my beautiful readers!

I am back to show you my cool lip gloss purchase at AVON. By the way, for those of you who doesn't know it yet, I am a branch franchise dealer here in Mandaue City, Cebu. I came to the branch to pay out for my overdue make up purchases last October, I was afraid they would eventually sue me if I didn't pay them. 

But, yeah I know myself, I can't resist make up!
Everytime I go there, I found myself praying to not go impulse buying or else --  I might get stuck such wild habit. =( I keep asking myself, do I really need this? My oh my, I might as well blog about it right?

Anyways, today I got this Tri lip gloss in Wine Luster. I got really attracted by the color of this lipgloss, the reason of me pulling it out and straight to the counter. Bought it for PHP189. For me this product is perfect for morena skin tones, like mine. =) Below is the image as you can see it's color is similar to that of the grapes. Isn't it?

(click the image above to enlarge)
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