
My Hospital Maternity Package ( Updated )

Monday, February 20

To my fellow moms in Cebu, allow me to share this experience once again ( I know that this post is a bit late ) hope this would help you on your search.

Story of Inspiration: Pregnancy after a Miscarriage

Sunday, February 5

Do you knosomeone who have been into miscarriage and having that chance once again to have a baby? I bet it is not an easy moment for that couple, right?

Here is one inspiring story from Reality stars couple of 'Married at first sight'.

Reality stars Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner gladly confirmed they’re pregnant again, six months after they lost their first child at four months along. The Married at First Sight couple are feeling blessed and thankful for their rainbow baby. They’ve been waiting for this since the heartbreaking loss of their first born.

Baby Number 2: My First Trimester Symptoms and Remedies

Saturday, October 10

Being pregnant requires a lot of preparation as well as maintaining the over-all vitality and wellness.
Lately, my pregnancy is quite going fine. I am rarely experiencing nausea and dizziness but more likely controlling on my food intake.

Anyways, I'd just like to note and look back at my First Trimester Journey. =)
Shall we?

As you may all know I haven't been posting quite some time since May because of workloads in the office as well as we were busy preparing for our simple Church Wedding which I will be sharing as well hopefully time permits me. *cross fingers*

When we found out that we were pregnant, we weren't really looking into announcing the great news right away since we wanted to keep mum about it. Although, clearly A and I were equally excited and a bit anxious for my next pregnancy. I was a mess during my first one with Adrian since I seem to be overly moody to the point of creating chaos all over the house. Believe me when A already swore to heaven he won't get me pregnant ever again! lol!

Before I was into beauty blogging so I wasn't really documenting most of the journey here in my blog. I was of course documenting it in another account. (yes I have another account) in Tumblr.

I didn't want at first to divert my beauty blog into a mommy blog but when I first came into this blog, I got so inspired about it that hey, I can not miss out on this once in a lifetime journey. Being a mom.

So here I am, doing my own blog about my motherhood journey as well as doing some beauty reviews still which I can never put down but now is more of like a side dish to the main course.

Celebrating pregnancy is like icing to a cake in a marriage guys!
Marriage is taken to a whole lot more when couples are in this journey together. Discovering each others boundaries as well as compromising time for each one. It is not easy at first but knowing that you have each other you will draw the strength to hold on and make it to the end. After all, it's the both of you who made it happen!

Right now, I want to remember that moment, to take a look back at those times, I haven't been taking photos of myself but yes I do like my face today than the previous one. I felt less changes on the physical but more on the hormonal?? lol!

Body Changes: I'm feeling pregnant!

I feel several changes happening in me even if I may not look pregnant. Most of the symptoms are minor and is expected. Nonetheless they caused me a lot of discomfort, and I knew I need to cope with it to make to work as well as making adjustments in my routine.

Although pregnant mommas experience different kinds of symptoms, here were mine:

Fatigue and light-headedness
  • taking time to rise slowly from a seated or lying position, 
  • avoid standing for long periods and 
  • making sure to get enough food and rest.
Nausea and vomiting - These are the worst times during my first trimester. Despite this morning sickness is not a serious problem as long as we get enough water and nutrients. Here are some of the remedies: 
  • Always having crackers for a few bites upon waking up, 
  • Keeping meals smaller but avoiding an empty stomach.
  • Take enough liquids between meals.
  • Avoiding strong odors and finding a place to get some fresh air.
  • Avoiding fatty and spicy foods.
Some first trimester symtoms are Itching and Rashes, Bleeding gums, and frequent urinations.
And that' about it for me mommsies! If you are pregnant like me, I would like to know how your first trimester went as well.

Have a great weekend, and may you have a blissful day ahead.

Baby Number 2: 16 weeks (4months) pregnant

Tuesday, October 6

How Far Along: Week 16 (August 29, 2015)

This is a late post. :)


How far along?  16 weeks (4 months)
Total weight gain/measurements: 128 lbs
Date of Visit: August 29, 2015 at Perpetual Succour Hospital (ultrasound) - OB Check-up (Cortes Gen Hospital)
Blood Pressure: 90/60 
Fundal Height: 30 cm
Baby’s Heart Beat: 150
Maternity clothes:  Bought leggings and maternity dress :)
Stretch marks: Slightly visible
Sleep: Sleep is well. But often get up due to frequent urination but not most of the time.
Best moment this week: Baby ultrasound and heard the heart beat. =)
Miss anything? None as of the moment. 
Movement: None as of the moment.
Food cravings: None as of the moment but i started eating fruits esp peanuts and pineapple and apple, and bananas.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Smoke, nausea and vomitting, dizziness....
Gender:  Not yet known as of the moment.
Labour signs: Nope!
Symptoms: Frequent Urination.
Tummy Changes: Belly Button is still In! Started to see that dark vertical line in my tummy already
Wedding rings: Yes! =)
Mood: Not so moody more of uneasy most of the time due to morning sickness.
Looking forward to: My next prenatal check-up...

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