HAUL: Drug Store products + AVON Liners

Friday, May 24

Hi! this will be a short post on a haul that I had last week at Three Sixty Pharmacy, as I passed by going home. i recalled that i haven't bought some toiletries to use for the days ahead so i headed on and got myself the items in the above photo. =)

Every girl needs to smell good and of course clean and squeaky. I think the products all together cost me 300 plus pesos all in all, except the two liners i got from AVON which i bought for 200 pesos both. the gel eyeliner is great and worth the money. i'll do a separate review on that. =)

glimmersticks eyeliner in soft black

mega impact gel eyeliner

Camay shower gel. i like using shower gels so much since they are easily absorbed by the skin esp since it is in liquid form.

the facial cleanser that i am using most of the time since i first bought it i got hooked at eversince, i use it as a makeup remover as well.

the toner, my best toner ever. it's so soft on the skin and i love the scent so much. it relaxes my skin after cleansing with eskinol.

the soap that im loving today. the scent is somewhat citrusy i use it for my face.

the hair product that i can't live without. i use these to relax the tresses of my curls. sets my hair in place without the heavy feel.

for the damaged curly hair as a result from coloring. 

my lotion as of the moment, i love the scent and the soft feeling it leaves after application.

my facial cleanser. i love this one as well. not so soapy but very smooth on the face. leaves my skin feeling soft and clean.

that's about it for me now.
till my next hauls! 

have a great day and thanks for reading!
please leave your comments! ♥

follow me on twitter: @iamracinz



  1. I love Avon makeup! Such good quality xxx


    1. hi thanks for visiting my blog. yeah avon products are really great.. worth the money

  2. oooh, the camay seems really nice! I've seen it at Watson's but never tried it out yet~

    1. hi janet! it is my first time to use this shower gel yet im loving the feel and scent that it leaves on my skin.

  3. Can't wait for your reviews on the Avon liners!

    xo, runbarbierun

    1. hi romila. =) thanks for visiting... sure i will be posting my reviews here very soon.

    2. me too i heard they are great. and i use vitress hair coat too :) thanks for sharing this grazie! following you now

  4. I'm also using Dove but the gold color for damaged hsir..

    P.s. followed your blog na ;)

  5. hi miss khymm thank you for following my blog. =)
    really? i want to try that out too.. ♥


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